Need a few things doing to the Discovery,and been give a quite scary quote by a specialist.Read Busters impressive how to's but not ready to give them a go myself yet.I really just wanted some opinions on how long the job should take? The main one is to fit a mintex brake kit discs,pads,hub seals and to replace the track rod ends.Thanks in advance,all comments appreciated.
i managed to change all the discs and pads and 4wheel bearings on my disco 300tdi. a lot of tea needs to be drunk. got it done in 7 hours. thats from jacking up to driving out of garage. had my brother helping to. but if you get everything you need ready (we didnt) it should take less time.
best not to stop for too long either (enough time to make a cuppa is fine). or you'll get distracted. (like we did) as for track rod end? shouldn't take that long?

dedicate a day just for the job and start early. should be done in time to drive for a bag of chips by tea time.

should probably point out my brother and i arent the best at working together and we drink lots of tea and talk utter rubbish when we're together. so if you're more the serious type then 4 - 5 hours is realistic.
2hrs, when removing track rods hit end of steering arm at nearest part to ball joint ,joint will pop out if hit right , loosen track rod around thread by hitting with one side on hard surface or between 2 x hammers,done right it allways works ,when removing disc from hub never hit hub they will damage very easily,push pistons back before removing caliper,better to lever on old disc than new one,disc to hub bolts are 14mm bihec socket size, caliper bolts are 13mm bihex socket size but 1/2 inch better fit
The price quoted has no bearing to the time taken to do the job, it will also include overheads, therefore main dealer will take the same time as an inde but will charge more.

One independant will different from another it this the same with any product that requires repair..
Thanks for the input guys,I was quoted £350 for the job,including parts and VAT.The parts are £50 more or less,I guess thats about 4 hours labour give or take.Do you think this is reasonable?
Thanks for the input guys,I was quoted £350 for the job,including parts and VAT.The parts are £50 more or less,I guess thats about 4 hours labour give or take.Do you think this is reasonable?

Brilliant if it a quote is from a London repairer you will still be able to give a tip :)
It was an indy,maybe have to look elsewhere......points to anyone who can guess how much they wanted to replace the front swivels...
As above......same as always,give your location and we will help honest. We're not here to rob you when your out!
Im in bristol, brislington ish.

Have done all the jobs you list on a defender several times cant be much different on a disco if you need a hand!

now theres a good offer,it would be alot cheaper and you would learn which is allways a good thing ,same job as defender
Was the indy in Brislington or down by hengrove way?
It was in Brislington,he was excellent,got a health check done,which was the best £85 I've spent in ages.So thorough and talked us through each point letting us know what was important and what just to watch.I can't fault the service and advice,but at the end of the day,the Disco is just a weekend vehicle,if money wasnt an issue it would be booked in right now,but I have to take a more stingy approach!!Cheers Bear,that offer is awesome,**** that sounded well American(wheres my Jeep)! If its OK I'll drop you a PM when I've got the parts and you could offer some tips!
yeh no probs drop me a PM

i can PM back some tips etc and if your goimg to attempt it on a day im not working ill pop round.

by the way where are you in bristol?
It was in Brislington,he was excellent,got a health check done,which was the best £85 I've spent in ages.So thorough and talked us through each point letting us know what was important and what just to watch.I can't fault the service and advice,but at the end of the day,the Disco is just a weekend vehicle,if money wasnt an issue it would be booked in right now,but I have to take a more stingy approach!!Cheers Bear,that offer is awesome,**** that sounded well American(wheres my Jeep)! If its OK I'll drop you a PM when I've got the parts and you could offer some tips!

Yep. Steve is good. I don't see him much these days but used to have a lot of dealings with him when he used to work for Landrover assistance.
forum help is the best bet.

even if you bung someone 100 quid for a sundays work youve done very very well.

tools, tea and bacon, sorted.

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