
New Member
Hi all, I am new to the site and own a disco 2 V8. I have noticed that when I start it up from cold their is a loud noise that sounds like a jet engine that dies down after about a minute. Any advice on what this noise is would be greatly appreciated.
If this noise is only apparent from cold then it will be the air injection system that was fitted to reduce emissions when the engine is cold. There are vacuum valves that open when the engine is cold, and an electric pump on the bulkhead. Air is pumped into the exhausts until the engine has warmed up. Nothing to worry about!
If this noise is only apparent from cold then it will be the air injection system that was fitted to reduce emissions when the engine is cold. There are vacuum valves that open when the engine is cold, and an electric pump on the bulkhead. Air is pumped into the exhausts until the engine has warmed up. Nothing to worry about!

Ok that sounds like exactly what it is, thankyou for putting my mind at rest.

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