
New Member
Ok so ive done all the homework regarding the checking and refilling the fluid for the auto and so ive started the job of checking the oil level. Went through the procedure of running through all the gears, warmed it Upto 40c, undid the level plug and poured a bit of fluid in,nothing started to come out in the end I stopped adding fluid after putting in just iver a litre and still nothing came out of bottom. So i went no further, just wanted to know if im missing domething and if its normal to add quite a lot before anything comes out. It'd done 150000 with no record of it being changed before.
So any thoughts?
Nope, do i decided to stop n consult the landy docs for some advice before I add any more n over fill it. it may just be low on oil but surly Nit over a litre.
I phoned ashcrofts who said ad long ad the temp is correct ur should b a straight forward job
straight forward job ,temp only really matters as oil cooler is open then ,needs running t ensure all clutch pistons and torque convertor or full ,level hole has a pipe which runs up a few inches in the box so when oil reaches level of pipe it runs out ,they can be low on oil and still work perfectly as long as pump pickup is still below oil level ,keepin topping up through filler till it runs out of bottom ,as long as your not using brake band locator bolt as level on rear of box you cant go wrong
Are you planning on just topping up or replacing the fluid? Are you sure you have removed the correct plug??
Yep 5mm Allen, I know the one you mean which Buggers it up.
I used a probe thermometer for the temp and was reading 40c.
You say temp doesn't matter, do as long as its not stone cold should b ok?
Yeh, maybe its just low on oil. I plan todo a oil change, but would like to get it to the correct level before i go ahead with a change. Just seems suspect that ive put over a litre in before its even at the correct level.
its not magic, level tube is just a simple tube ,excess will run out ,only bolt you need worry is obviously wrong as is half way up rear of box ,not underneath
I ran my auto on low oil and it feked the torque converter when it got air in it. Feker was leaking. Follow correct method and it should be ok. Do it from cold and warm up on tick over, rather than a road trip to warm it up. More precise.


P4051811 MNkPShY
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Finished the fluid change today and now its at the correct level.
I plan todo another change in a few hundred miles, as I know its at the right level is it possible to skip the level check and go straight for the drain and refill by putting in the amounr that came out, does it have to be between 35 and 40 degrees for just a fluid change?
if you put in the same amount you take out .level will be the same as it was just before you drained it ,temp is important if you need oil cooler open as its shut when cold to enable box to reach working temp quick asp
cool thanks,
its actually easier than i thought, i just got a bit para when i did the first oil level check as i put in over a litre before it was at the correct level, since its now at the correct level and 40%ish new oil i dont get thrown back in my seat when it changes from 2nd to 3rd and it sounds less whiney if that makes sense.
Old oil was a really dark brown so could of been never changed before, thats why i plan to do another soon, then again at around 180k.

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