
New Member
Hi guys sorry for such a noob question but I have searched hi and low and can not find the answer.

I need to know the jacking points so I can lift the front end up on my freelander 1 I have a bottle jack for the job ?

Thanks in advance
Hi guys sorry for such a noob question but I have searched hi and low and can not find the answer.

I need to know the jacking points so I can lift the front end up on my freelander 1 I have a bottle jack for the job ?

Thanks in advance

The front point is the hold down eye. Make sure your jack doesn't touch the bodywork surrounding it. PUT axle stands under the side members. Don't take any chances.
Hi guys sorry for such a noob question but I have searched hi and low and can not find the answer.

I need to know the jacking points so I can lift the front end up on my freelander 1 I have a bottle jack for the job ?
Don't use a bottle jack. You need a proper hydraulic jack suitable for a 4X4. Most car jacks do not have enough lift height for a Freelander.
I agree - bottle jacks are unsuitable.

You need either the original Freelander jack or a small trolley jack.

Bottle jack will probably be too tall to go under the jacking point and not have enough elevation to cope with the Freelander large suspension travel.

You'll run out of 'jack' with the wheel still not off the ground.

Info on jacking points is in the Owner's Manual.

If you haven't got an OM I can explain how to get a free one online in minutes.

Singvogel. :cool:
Why did LR supply bottle jacks as standard on Discos, Range Rovers and Defender?

if they were unsuitable
bottle jacks arent unsuitable on discos ,defenders,rrc and p38,ground clearance is greater and they hav solid axles and chassis
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I have :eek: and it works ok ;)

but a trolley jack is better

I had a flat tyre outside the house one day and tried my bottle jack from the shed (easier to get out that the empty the load area in the Freelander)

And it didn't fit!

Not with a flat tyre it didn't!

Possibly would if tyre was OK, but generally IMHO if the bottle is small enough to get under a chassis rail on a FL, it won't have enough lift to get the wheel off the ground.

Singvogel. :cool:
never tried putting it under with a flat tyre, tbh

my bottle jack lifts just as high as my trolley jack, so no probs there.
As i said trolley is better cos it's more secure and has a cup not a bent bar :)
come on please singvogel let me know how to get a free copy of the om

No worries Teddy - It's no secret.

Register for free on the Topix LandRover / Jaguar info website, and then you can input your VIN number and get all the info about your car - when it was built, recalls, Owners Manual, and instructions for how to fit all the LR accessory options.

Its the same site the dealers use, so there is some info you can't aCCESS WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION (OOPS - turn off cap lock) but most of what you need is there - handbooks for every LandRover ever made they say I think.

TOPIx - Home

Also if you haven't got a service schedule check list, here's a link for that too.


Singvogel. :cool:

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