i thought the iveco massive were a street gang from italy, a bit like the staines massive only sweaty and carrying white flags ;)
I fort Italians wuz Oily not Sweaty... int that how you get an Italian out of the bath? Turn on the taps and he'll float out on his own?
I fort Italians wuz Oily not Sweaty... int that how you get an Italian out of the bath? Turn on the taps and he'll float out on his own?

Isn' t that a stereotypical, offensive and racist remark, have you ever met a real italian?

Maybe you need to open up your horizons and become less provincial, the world is global and Land Rover enthusiast, come from all over the world ...!!,

I thought this thread was about the IVECO Massif, and not about how oily the Italians were......:mad:

Get a life...
Isn' t that a stereotypical, offensive and racist remark, have you ever met a real italian?

im feckin married to one you imbescile. before you come on here shouting the odds and playing the pc card i suggest you do a bit of research
Isn' t that a stereotypical, offensive and racist remark, have you ever met a real italian?

Maybe you need to open up your horizons and become less provincial, the world is global and Land Rover enthusiast, come from all over the world ...!!,

I thought this thread was about the IVECO Massif, and not about how oily the Italians were......:mad:

Get a life...

You upsetting people again Yella! Don't worry Fuoriserie, he can't help him self :D and you'll get used to it!

I don't like the Iveco Massif, it belongs with a beach guard in his skimpy speedos!

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