funnilly enough unlike you i have no need or desire to join a forum in a different country to the one im in, and for another how on earth you come to the assumption that i am racist i will never know, for a start im married to an italian. i have friends from all over the globe, i live in a different country to the one i was born in and i work for a dutch company, just because i think that you are a prick doesnt make me a racist, i would still think you were a prick if you were british
, just because i think that you are a prick doesnt make me a racist, i would still think you were a prick if you were british

let's decide that we can both agree to disagree, and it doesn't matter if you live in a different country, and are married to an italian, I do feel sorry for her......, or work for a foreign company, you're still a racist prick.

I finally think we have found a common ground, I believe you're a prick, and you believe i'm a prick, so let's end it here.

Having noticed that you're a senior member, and from now on, I will consider you the senior prick in the forum..

But as I said, let's agree to disagree, so let's forget about it, and move on...
is that your way of admitting defeat, go on, wave the white flag, you know you want to really ;)
Back to the Iveco. Iveco owned by ford, Land Rover owned by Ford but someone should shoot whoever did that!

BTW Fuorisere, welcome to the forum. Just out of interest, how many reverse gears does your Landy have?

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