Just read it all, you look happy with it! By the way everyone was going on I had visions of you taking two days to collect it!
give im time he's be up all night wiff his wop/brit dictionary trying to translate something smart and witty
sir! can you tell me the purpose of your visit to the untied states of yankland?
ave come fer flying lesson
Yella, leave the wine swilling, parmisan chomping, pizza munchin surrender monkey alone.

You bully.
didn't george formby sing a song about that great italian leader?

am hanging on a lamppost incase a certain facist dictatorship goes by, oh me , oh my
Wow, isn't that a statement...."YES IT IS "

...did you have to look it up, or being an asshole is an inborn talent of yours "IS THAT A HOLE FOR DONKEY LIKE ANIMALS"

You're just a looser...... "AS OPPOSED TO A TIGHTER"

My last reply on the subject.... " BYE "

i think that covers everything
i think that covers everything

Hello ****HEAD....:D

It seems you can't let go....,it seems that as a Racist ****head Bully, you can't loose face with some of your buddies......

Maybe the forum moderators can help us out, by locking-up this thread.......

This should cover, what was still missing....

Bye Bye ****HEAD..:D
Ere' Flaps is part wop ain't she? Dint she say 'bye' then pop back up? Must be another eyetalian trait!
aint it funny how he can spell "racist ****head bully" but struggles with simple words like lose/loose
after a few hours of being on here i leant about yella and if u dont like what either he or some 1 else has to say then ignore it personally i just laught at it just like that strage picture above the sink in the bathroom the thing seems to move it would be bad enought if it didnt move but when ya see it move i nearly throw up

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