Just the same here,but our ins rates are a great deal lower than in the US,must be a reason for that.Maybe our vehicles are safer due to having a yearly safety test.
The difference in you have a NHS to cover medical costs from injury. The other is law suits for personnel injury from a accident. Example........... get involved in a accident and some one ends up if a wheel chair for life, expect to pay out 10's of millions in settlements, to victim, family. Kill someone pay out millions and go to jail/prision .
The difference in you have a NHS to cover medical costs from injury. The other is law suits for personnel injury from a accident. Example........... get involved in a accident and some one ends up if a wheel chair for life, expect to pay out 10's of millions in settlements, to victim, family. Kill someone pay out millions and go to jail/prision .
Yes,but the insurance company here still has to pay out serious money as well,so that cannot be the main reason.
You poor Brits with your MOT. We just drive them here until bits fly off and fires get started.

You know how we are about collateral damage.
Yeh, but cause a problem when one of those bits drop off and you get the book thrown at you, then there's all the litigation to follow!;)
The difference in you have a NHS to cover medical costs from injury. The other is law suits for personnel injury from a accident. Example........... get involved in a accident and some one ends up if a wheel chair for life, expect to pay out 10's of millions in settlements, to victim, family. Kill someone pay out millions and go to jail/prision .
Thor,do you go to your doctors for a health check?.
Not trying to trick you,nothing sinister,so don't fret.
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MOT is a good thing, I reckon!
For more or less the reasons you describe! :D
Some of it is bull, like emissions test. But for the average driver, having a thorough check of safety items once a year is no bad thing.

Some safety items can fail as soon as you drive it out of the garage.....I don't think MOT's are worth the paper they're written on
Some safety items can fail as soon as you drive it out of the garage.....I don't think MOT's are worth the paper they're written on
bulbs etc,but anything that will fail that soon,will be checked and picked up,or should do,if the MOT tester is doing his job correctly.
Here's an example of why I don't agree with them. Last year my Disco went through with no advisories clean bill of health, I work away a lot and its only used for shooting I've covered only 2k miles and took it for its test last week back to the same guy, it needed 2 front wheel bearings and welding! all in 2k miles, MOT's are a joke and they're a licence to print money for the garages
Here's an example of why I don't agree with them. Last year my Disco went through with no advisories clean bill of health, I work away a lot and its only used for shooting I've covered only 2k miles and took it for its test last week back to the same guy, it needed 2 front wheel bearings and welding! all in 2k miles, MOT's are a joke and they're a licence to print money for the garages
That and it's another way for government to slowly take more and more control of your life under the guise of encouraging safety.

A little control here, a little more here over there eventually ends up a lot of control and all for your own good.
Well if it is just left standing,or not much use,then rust can get in,especially on a landy,wheel bearings can fail at anytime.
That and it's another way for government to slowly take more and more control of your life under the guise of encouraging safety.

A little control here, a little more here over there eventually ends up a lot of control and all for your own good.
Mot's have been used for many many years,works well.But each to their own i suppose.
Some safety items can fail as soon as you drive it out of the garage.....I don't think MOT's are worth the paper they're written on

bulbs etc,but anything that will fail that soon,will be checked and picked up,or should do,if the MOT tester is doing his job correctly.

Well if it is just left standing,or not much use,then rust can get in,especially on a landy,wheel bearings can fail at anytime.

Then you're back to "they're not worth the paper they're printed on as some safety items can fail as soon as you drive them out the garage etc", wheel bearings shouldn't be failing because its been sitting around, sitting around for 20 years maybe yes but a few times a month defiantly not. And the worst of it was the tester said "it'll probably need welding next year......" yet no advisories for corrosion = licence to print money......MOT's = Scams!!
Then you're back to "they're not worth the paper they're printed on as some safety items can fail as soon as you drive them out the garage etc", wheel bearings shouldn't be failing because its been sitting around, sitting around for 20 years maybe yes but a few times a month defiantly not. And the worst of it was the tester said "it'll probably need welding next year......" yet no advisories for corrosion = licence to print money......MOT's = Scams!!
You said originally that parts can fail at anytime,yes they can,but i doubt they would be safety items,your wheel bearings can and do fail at anytime,so they can be good one minute,fail a few miles up the road,that cannot be foreseen can it,if you are not happy with the Mot tester,or how he did the test,then get on to VOSA.
i bought a Pajero before i got the Disco. the MOT was running out i said ill take it providing you put it through an MOT. "No problem" the 2nd hand dealer.....5 days later "that's your Pajero ready full 12 month test for you, would it be easier if we meet half way between Glasgow and Aberdeen for you to pick it up?" Bloody right it would be, save me going to Glasgow to pick it up!! so i make my way there to the half way point by train and i gets a text saying the driver had to go he couldn't wait the Pajero is sitting at X location key under the wheel etc (i paid via internet banking as i was away at the time and urgently needed a 4x4). so i picked it up and as soon as i jumped in and started it i found 4 MOT failures straight away!! Indicator not working, full beam warning not working, break warning light on and windscreen washers not working.

So on the way home the wheel alignment was WAY out so the next day i took it to my pals to get it sorted and while underneath doing the wheel alignment i spotted 7 MOT failures.....somethings not right here!!

Phoned trading standards and they told me to take it to a 3rd party garage for a Pre MOT inspection

That i did and they found 35-40 MOT failures

I phoned the garage in Glasgow and told them why after 4 days after the issue of the MOT certificate my car had 35-40 MOT failure items....within 5 min of me hanging up the money was back into my account and he was on his way to Aberdeen with a low loader to take the Pajero away.......

So to me the system definitely doesn't work
You said originally that parts can fail at anytime,yes they can,but i doubt they would be safety items,your wheel bearings can and do fail at anytime,so they can be good one minute,fail a few miles up the road,that cannot be foreseen can it,if you are not happy with the Mot tester,or how he did the test,then get on to VOSA.

Very true, it'll be interesting to see what it needs next year etc
i bought a Pajero before i got the Disco. the MOT was running out i said ill take it providing you put it through an MOT. "No problem" the 2nd hand dealer.....5 days later "that's your Pajero ready full 12 month test for you, would it be easier if we meet half way between Glasgow and Aberdeen for you to pick it up?" Bloody right it would be, save me going to Glasgow to pick it up!! so i make my way there to the half way point by train and i gets a text saying the driver had to go he couldn't wait the Pajero is sitting at X location key under the wheel etc (i paid via internet banking as i was away at the time and urgently needed a 4x4). so i picked it up and as soon as i jumped in and started it i found 4 MOT failures straight away!! Indicator not working, full beam warning not working, break warning light on and windscreen washers not working.

So on the way home the wheel alignment was WAY out so the next day i took it to my pals to get it sorted and while underneath doing the wheel alignment i spotted 7 MOT failures.....somethings not right here!!

Phoned trading standards and they told me to take it to a 3rd party garage for a Pre MOT inspection

That i did and they found 35-40 MOT failures

I phoned the garage in Glasgow and told them why after 4 days after the issue of the MOT certificate my car had 35-40 MOT failure items....within 5 min of me hanging up the money was back into my account and he was on his way to Aberdeen with a low loader to take the Pajero away.......

So to me the system definitely doesn't work
But that is not the fault of the MOT itself,is it,it is the fault of the tester and the garage he works for,possibly a big wedge of money changed hands as well.

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