Is there no form of safety inspection,for cars?.
We knows when something needs fixed or repaired. With the miles we drive they get a regular service and a good looking over several times a year. ( 5 times for me)
Example My ford dealer, when I take mine in for oil/filter change at 6k miles or so does a 100 point (looks at) safety inspection. Brakes,suspension, tyre wear, all lights and the rest of the fluids etc and bring to owners attention any faults. Few people do there own service anymore. My truck takes 16qts of oil and a filter. I can't even buy the oil from the parts store for what they charge, and then I would have 16qts of oil to get rid of. But I do, do my own brake work and other stuff
It's already been stated I'm tough and stupid. I do all the work on my cars. I've done it since forever. Poverty dictates, as well.
We knows when something needs fixed or repaired. With the miles we drive they get a regular service and a good looking over several times a year. ( 5 times for me)
Example My ford dealer, when I take mine in for oil/filter change at 6k miles or so does a 100 point (looks at) safety inspection. Brakes,suspension, tyre wear, all lights and the rest of the fluids etc and bring to owners attention any faults. Few people do there own service anymore. My truck takes 16qts of oil and a filter. I can't even buy the oil from the parts store for what they charge, and then I would have 16qts of oil to get rid of. But I do, do my own brake work and other stuff
Ok,that is all well and good,but what about the people who do not use a garage,just maintain a car that can be in any old condition,there is no one to tell them if it is in need of repair,or attention.I am very surprised at that,the US having no regulatory body to oversee vehicle safety.
It's already been stated I'm tough and stupid. I do all the work on my cars. I've done it since forever. Poverty dictates, as well.
That is commendable,but those who do their own repairs etc,what is to say they are doing it safely,here we have to have your vehicle inspected and tested once per year,any faults and it fails the test,illegal to use,until repairs are done and re tested.
Ok,that is all well and good,but what about the people who do not use a garage,just maintain a car that can be in any old condition,there is no one to tell them if it is in need of repair,or attention.I am very surprised at that,the US having no regulatory body to oversee vehicle safety.
Give the Libs some time. They'll get around to it. Saving the world and humanity is a process. Right now they're focused on Trumps "anchor baby" comment, so they've got to stay focused on that indignation for now.
That is commendable,but those who do their own repairs etc,what is to say they are doing it safely,here we have to have your vehicle inspected and tested once per year,any faults and it fails the test,illegal to use,until repairs are done and re tested.
Yeah, it's that MOT thingy we have been talking about. I'm slow, but not stationary.
Ok,that is all well and good,but what about the people who do not use a garage,just maintain a car that can be in any old condition,there is no one to tell them if it is in need of repair,or attention.I am very surprised at that,the US having no regulatory body to oversee vehicle safety.
There is no proof that a regulatory body will reduce accidents. Many states at 1 time required inspections, and found it was a rip off. Commercial vehicles get yearly inspections, and also get random inspections. Each state has a DOT inspectors driving the roads looking for questionable vehicles. Also the regular police, rather state,county,local will also pull you over if you are driving a real piece of crap. Get into a accident property/personnel injury and if it was caused from bad equipment you face additional charges, and a massive increase in insurance rates. You in the UK have very cheap insurance rates.
Having an annual check for vehicle safety,is a good thing,it makes the owner keep his vehicle in a safe state of repair,also what has vehicle insurance got to do with it?.this is about vehicle safety,not accident insurance,a brand new car has as much chance of having an accident,as any other.So if your commercial vehicles get inspected yearly,why not private ones as well?.
Having an annual check for vehicle safety,is a good thing,it makes the owner keep his vehicle in a safe state of repair,also what has vehicle insurance got to do with it?.this is about vehicle safety,not accident insurance,a brand new car has as much chance of having an accident,as any other.So if your commercial vehicles get inspected yearly,why not private ones as well?.
It is how the law is written. The Nanny lets us make choices;):p
Having an annual check for vehicle safety,is a good thing,it makes the owner keep his vehicle in a safe state of repair,also what has vehicle insurance got to do with it?.this is about vehicle safety,not accident insurance,a brand new car has as much chance of having an accident,as any other.So if your commercial vehicles get inspected yearly,why not private ones as well?.
The First Amendment
It is how the law is written. The Nanny lets us make choices;):p
maybe,but that is why you pay a fortune for insurance,too many injuries etc,not enough safety,i know which law i would rather have.Laws are written,does not mean they are right though,does it.
What has that got to do with vehicle safety,it mentions right to freedom of speech etc.When that was written,i am pretty sure that cars had not been invented
It means he can say whatever he wants with no repercussions from the government, a right he practices with reckless abandon. So, in a way, he's right.
It means he can say whatever he wants with no repercussions from the government, a right he practices with reckless abandon. So, in a way, he's right.
OK,no one is saying he can't,that is not in question,we have the same rights here,this is about vehicle safety,or it was.
maybe,but that is why you pay a fortune for insurance,too many injuries etc,not enough safety,i know which law i would rather have.Laws are written,does not mean they are right though,does it.
Thing is Gems, Most all of our accidents are NOT caused by equipment failure. But rather driver fook ups. The more miles a person drives, the higher the odds for a accident. Also the area you live in plays the biggest factor in what you pay for insurance. Live in the country were there are few people and car thefts and you have very low rates. Live in a big city with high crime and car thefts you pay through the roof
Just the same here,but our ins rates are a great deal lower than in the US,must be a reason for that.Maybe our vehicles are safer due to having a yearly safety test.

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