my main dealer Guy Salmon is £99 / hr + VAT but you do get 10% if you car is more than 10 yeas old.

You are lucky, a mate had a bmw from new, serviced by Williams of Liverpool religiously. When it failed the MOT on suspension bushes they would not touch it as it was over 10 yrs old and it required "special equipment" (a press) to replace them. I think they didn't want to get their clean floor dirty.:)
You are lucky, a mate had a bmw from new, serviced by Williams of Liverpool religiously. When it failed the MOT on suspension bushes they would not touch it as it was over 10 yrs old and it required "special equipment" (a press) to replace them. I think they didn't want to get their clean floor dirty.:)
Typical BMW.
After they had my new 944S for 3 months due to a broken crankshaft, the Porsche dealer dumped it on my drive minus the engine while we were at work with a note saying they needed the space. Told them that was fine, the parking charge would be £150 per day:D They collected it the following morning:D:D
Told you to park it:p:):)

It's weird, I drive from Derby to Manchester once a fortnight and first time the alternator gave up was in Stoke on my way back. 4 weeks later, same run, it got me home without anything breaking but as soon as I came back to it 1/2 hour later and started it up the battery light was on.
I get that it might be an allergic reaction to Manchester but the question is, why?
It's weird, I drive from Derby to Manchester once a fortnight and first time the alternator gave up was in Stoke on my way back. 4 weeks later, same run, it got me home without anything breaking but as soon as I came back to it 1/2 hour later and started it up the battery light was on.
I get that it might be an allergic reaction to Manchester but the question is, why?
Could be Tomcatalan casting an evil spell on it:eek::):)
I might live in Derby but I'm still a Manc, cakes or not.
Update, alternator #2 fitted and working, no spells please, I'd really like this one to work haha.
Time to update my signature :banana:

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