Mine would emit warning beeps when I floored it on a near empty tank.

Almost had a frickin heart attack first time I heard it.

Perhaps that's all it is then! I can't fill it (well, I "could") for fear of some dickhead wandering past with a lit cigarette (you've seen them :mad: walking through a petrol forecourt with a fag and a phone) as it pisses out for a good minute :eek:

I'll get my new elbow (funny I can't get a shoulder....o_O ) and see what happens then :rolleyes:
Tbh I never had any bother with mine, it was a Zavoli (?) system, only beeped on low lpg when nailing it out of a T junction.

Certainly ran fine although the small spare wheel sized tank was a nuisance, but I ran mine daily and felt like a Vectra on the wallet, a 286hp 4x4 Vectra on stilts!!
I'm going to replace the pipework and see what comes of it. It's funny, it worked before I ripped out the tanks so I can only imagine it's that vave in the middle o_O
MIne beeps and cuts out if it isn't warm enough (I believe I read somewhere it can ice itself up if not hot enough). I've to re-route the water flow to the reducer. The T-offs would be fine if they were almost next to the reducer but its almost 3ft away, a 6ft round trip. Have ordered elbows and a straight to replace the Ts.
And 70p a litre?? I baulk at the 65p a litre locally. Morrisons (short drive away) has it at 53.7p.
Don't know if you know but there's an app on android called FillLPG. Uses the GPS on your phone to show you available filling points near you, also shows price and postcode.
Have you thought of changing the Liquid phase and Gas phase filters?

The system probably uses a gas rail pressure sensor - if the gas pressure at the injector rail dips, regardless of tank fill, it will cut back to petrol.

If the filters are clogged, gas pressure reduces and the system will switch over thinking gas pressure is too low.

LPG can leave a waxy residue if not used for a while and this can clog filters.
Have you thought of changing the Liquid phase and Gas phase filters?

The system probably uses a gas rail pressure sensor - if the gas pressure at the injector rail dips, regardless of tank fill, it will cut back to petrol.

If the filters are clogged, gas pressure reduces and the system will switch over thinking gas pressure is too low.

LPG can leave a waxy residue if not used for a while and this can clog filters.

I'm not sure where they would be to be honest! There's nothing obvious to see and I've looked. The only thing that may be filter like is a big brass round thing from the diffuser to the injectors, I pulled it off & looked inside and it was clean as a whistle where I could see. There was a disc like thing (a shut off valve perhaps) but it certainly didn't resemble any filter I've seen although I stand to be corrected.
I'll take a photo tomorrow. Would there be one inside the diffuser? In fact thinking about it, that shut off valve underneath looked to have some sort of bowl at the bottom so perhaps there...

As for heating pipes, they are just as they were before, only brand new. Both roasting hot to the touch.

Me and my big gob, "it runs sweet...!" Aye, right :Do_O:confused::(
Quote my big gob, "it runs sweet...!" Aye, right :Do_O:confused::(
They listen to every word you say you know waiting to hit you when you least expect it:D:D

I would just like to say my dozzel is being a right pig atm :( nudge nudge ;);)
New problem... I filled the petrol tank and managed to spill about 2p worth down the side (for some reason it just didn't shut off).

Anyway that's fine, I explained the smell of petrol to myself was that wee spill. However, I went out today abs there was a smell that I thought was lpg, but I had to go to a mates house and the smell of petrol was back very strong.

I am trying to burn off the gas so the tank is empty for the replacement filler elbow.

the lpg tank leaks when filling, then it's fine. I am certain both (or three) auto shut off valves are working fine (the one on the tank snaps open/closed as does the one on the diffuser as I felt & heard them).

So I'm certain the lpg smell was petrol either leaking or venting. Now I can't see a leak, the guage has moved, but barely and I've mostly been in traffic using the lpg and petrol.

I'm guessing the problem started when I switched to gas and the petrol is now simply circulating rather than getting burned. I've always wondered why my tank hisses out air when I remove the filler cap! I thought that was the problem, but no hiss when I removed the cap. The smell is very strong. What's my problem now? As far as I can tell, the tank isn't missing anything o_O

I understand the fuel is diverted from the injectors back to the tank, but why the smell?

Ta ;)
In my mind the petrol pump should cut off whilst on Lpg.

Pretty sure it only shuts down the injectors and keeps the pump going. I think it's in case the fuel pressure wouldn't be sufficient when switched back from lpg, but I'm not 100%.....
Petrol and Lpg should smell completely differently, propane and butane (Lpg) have an additive (Ethyl Mercaptan) to give them an offensive odour.

Do the P38s have vapour control systems?
Charcoal canister, purge valve etc?

Is your insurance up to date?
What's to stop one of the thousand clowns dropping a cig?
Is the vehicle a reasonable distance from the house?
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Be carefull when touching any LPG deposits around filters/pipework etc, a chemist mate of mine said the crud that can build up is "heavy ends" ?? and is highly carcinogenic.
When I had a V8 110 csw on LPG I used to clean out filter bowls every 6 months or so, but that was a system that was designed with iron age tech.
Well the petrol smell seems to build up when the engine is off (doesn't get worse when driven) and is worse inside than out. There are no leaks or drips that I can find at the tank or filler neck!!

The filthy bastards who installed the lpg (some firm in Stirling) made such a mess under the back seat, you'd think the used a rhino to hack and rip into the metal!! There are more holes under the back seat than Donald Trump excuses for everything. So the smell has to be getting in there.....but why??? What changed?

Obviously it's linked to me reinstating the LPG and I'm keen to fix it before a disaster!

I'll get back to you...
Well the petrol smell seems to build up when the engine is off (doesn't get worse when driven) and is worse inside than out. There are no leaks or drips that I can find at the tank or filler neck!!

The filthy bastards who installed the lpg (some firm in Stirling) made such a mess under the back seat, you'd think the used a rhino to hack and rip into the metal!! There are more holes under the back seat than Donald Trump excuses for everything. So the smell has to be getting in there.....but why??? What changed?

Obviously it's linked to me reinstating the LPG and I'm keen to fix it before a disaster!

I'll get back to you...
Maybe gas installers disturbed a rubber connector or elbow on the supply/return/tank vent petrol lines, or the gasket ring on the fuel pump/sender pod. It only needs a smalll amount of fuel soaking into road grime on surfaces to stink petrol.
Maybe gas installers disturbed a rubber connector or elbow on the supply/return/tank vent petrol lines, or the gasket ring on the fuel pump/sender pod. It only needs a smalll amount of fuel soaking into road grime on surfaces to stink petrol.

A mate fitted the tank (with my supervision) after removing the rusty under-slung torpedo tanks & tiny little aluminium petrol tank.

We had some right royal fun, but everything seemed to be fine and has worked for all this time. well over 6 months and only after I put some lpg in and start using it (it works, but I need to change filters and bits & bobs) do I find a smell of petrol & am convinced it is something to do with the fuel coursing round the system and back to the tank, still under pressure (I mean, there has to be at least a tiny pressure drop when the car is running on petrol & injecting fuel). I have also noticed the tank is no longer pressurised when I remove the filler cap, which points to something being "off", but at the top of the tank or some such as it doesn't leak.

I think the carbon canister is under the car adjacent to the air tank and must need to be replaced by now... Anyone know?

I'll get to the bottom of it, but boy what a pain.

Anyhoo, I think I mentioned my LPG filler connector (on the tank) leaks after a fill until the filler hose is empty. Bit dangerous which is why I got this little beauty:


I need to order filters, membranes, seals, gaskets and whatnot...Tinley Tech to the rescue ;) But I 1st need to find out "which" particular parts I need. I am also replacing the whole HP pipe front to rear as it is made up of parts of this & bits of that :rolleyes:

I'll keep you up to date :cool:
why have you purchased a tank filler one way valve if the fill pipe is leaking?surely if that valve was leaking the whole tank would empty
why have you purchased a tank filler one way valve if the fill pipe is leaking?surely if that valve was leaking the whole tank would empty

You see the elbow and the big nut it screws into (where my thumb is) "that" is where it is leaking from. A split on the bottom of that nut.

Now, from day one that has obviously been leaking from there, but flowing down the pipe out of the car. It would smell for a while after filling the tank (but when it stopped leaking, it stopped smelling). However, the tank only ever held nine pounds GBP and although it ran, the gas would last a short time.

Which brings me to my next thought. Yule Brinner & the other cowboys made such a monumental cock up of the install judging by the floor under the back seat, it stands to reason they (or some other muppet) fitted the new elbow & float and over tightened it, causing it to shut off at around nine quids worth AND it was so tight, they damaged it causing it to split & leak.

I spoke in depth to the guy who runs Tinley Tech and he said UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES over tighten it (unless it doesn't quite line up, in which case, a quarter to half turn will be fine) or it will either snap, crack or if squint, wont even fill. I think in this case we have a failure on two out of three counts.

He told me how to empty the tank too, so I'll mostly be far far far away from smoking clowns when doing that :D

Anyway, like I said, planning more new parts inc a new pipe and whatnot. Better safe than sorry and in this case, better in than out o_O
Emailed Tinley Tech and had a reply within minutes of them opening. They suggested poly pipe so I have asked if I can get a solenoid with push fittings and a similar adapter at the front. I can get a new filter in line just before the vapouriser so that'll cut out the rusty mess underneath.

However, I have a funny feeling they don't do quick release gas pipes!

Looking at around 70/80 quid mark. But that's cheap for safety ;)

So, looks like me hols might still be a comfy ride to the airport & back :cool:

Next, it's the EAS....soon as I can get my arse in gear and start servicing the spare block & pump o_O

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