lpg is bad for any engine. it has been proven.
My V8 110 CSW did over 200 k miles before I sold it, vast majority on gas, changed the HGaskets at around 175 k miles and thats the only thing ever done to that engine. Really smooth and reliable, with the bonnet open you could rest a glass of water on the engine, blip the throttle, and barely get a ripple other than the torque rock.
Well, put in six quids worth of LPG and did a leak test using soapy water in a squirty bottle. I hosed every thread and joint, not a bubble to be found. So I went and put in 10 more quids worth and repeated the test. All good.

Then came the blip test. You may recall I was having fun with putting the pedal down and it would revert to petrol and bleep at me! None of that nonsense, so next came the driving along when before it would lurch... Nope, smoother than Nigs chat up lines :p

So I did a speed test, smooth then foot to the board followed by 60mph and foot hard down to induce a kick down and throttle response was spot on ;)

I had one green light, indicating a quarter tank, but after hoofing it for a few miles it went off. A few flickers of the low fuel warning as I went round some bends, but she never faltered so I am very happy with my re-install. At least I made a better job of it than Johhny Hammer Hands whoever fitted it before. At least now it takes more than nine quids worth of gas and no leaks at the filler elbow which is a double safety bonus.

I'll be going to visit my sister so en route I plan to drop into the nearest certificated installer to get his take on it, but I'm happy for now and dead chuffed with myself and my mate Ian Gray at G&M Motors, Corntown by Dingwall, along with big up to Mick from Tinley Tech who gave invaluable advice and supplied the parts I needed to upgrade everything.
Gld to see you got the LPG sorted Doo. its kind of funny that with the LPG, a V8 Range Rover become cheap to run !

i wonder how BTD is getting on with his !??!
Gld to see you got the LPG sorted Doo. its kind of funny that with the LPG, a V8 Range Rover become cheap to run !

i wonder how BTD is getting on with his !??!


Yuuuuup, a possible problem! o_O

Foot down after putting in 30 litres and the diag lamp lt up. However, no beeping & flashing suggesting she'd switched back to petrol and no lurching or faltering. I'm traveling to Skye today so will fill the petrol tank just in case.

Looks like I need a diagnosis lead & reader after all. I'll call the chap in Lossiemouth and see what he says.

I'll keep you posted ;)
Got here in one piece and even managed to pull an Indian family out of the snow on a slope to a car park (pretty area so of course you'd want to stop and take photos...).

She only played up when I floored it on Skye to pass some numpties nose to tail doing 40mph :mad: They were so up each other I had no choice but to pass all at once!! Why do people do that? Why not leave a gap ffs??:mad:

I digress....Anyhoo, after a prolonged run at umpteen RPM the diag lamp lit, but she was still running on LPG so either, it can't cope with high speed long high revs run or it got too cold.... But, even though at -3 I was doo-ing 60mph, she hiccuped a couple of times, but otherwise ran great.

I used half a tank (30 litres) to get here at, ahem, average high speeds! :p

All in all, very happy. :)
Evening Adam, still sitting in the shed lol as soon as it warms up I will get it installed even if I can't use it with my current insurance company as soon as renewal gets here I will swop companies and give it a go.
Evening Adam, still sitting in the shed lol as soon as it warms up I will get it installed even if I can't use it with my current insurance company as soon as renewal gets here I will swop companies and give it a go.
must be coming around soon..

i got my roll of headlining delivered last week
Funny, local (7 miles) LPG charges 75p per litre and gets away with it because he's "the only one" around (unless I want to go 19 miles) yet almost 100 miles away on an island (the trouble we have with couriers on ebay is astonishing...) LPG which has to be delivered on a wagon, is a mere 63p per litre!

So I filled up and it cost me 22 quid to get from 7 miles north of Inverness, but then instead of taking the more direct route, I decided to go through the mountains, which because of where I was, added about 17 miles to my journey (yet I was quicker by 30 minutes even taking into account hauling the minibus full of Indian tourists off the snow). I digress, it was awesome just for the views alone! However, within 15 minutes of helping the tourists, I was in bits :( My shoulder was on fire and the pain was such I mostly drove one handed just to ease the pain a little. Can't take the heavy stuff when driving so paracetamol to the rescue...

When I went back, I did the same route in reverse and a chap in a Beemer 5 or 7 series (old school V8) was on my tail, brave man following me round the twisties in superb wet conditions then icy patches forced me to slow down and he also kept a safe distance (I flashed my hazards to warn him I was slowing more than normal). He followed me all the way, even though he had chances to pass and I dropped the left indicator to show him he was good to go, he flashed back keeping a safe distance obviously happy I knew my way along the road.

Anyway, dropped into visit a friend who told me of winter payments and warm home payments and even a fuel allowance I had no idea I was entitled to :eek::eek:

All these weeks & weeks of sitting at home with my jacket on to keep warm because I couldn't afford to keep the leccy heater on all day (it's feckin supremely expensive to run just the one and we have 4 of the bloody things :confused:

So, I can get cheap fuel for my car and cheap fuel for my house :)

Oh yes, keeping on track, it cost me 22 quid to refill at the 75p a litre place, meaning I used the same amount of fuel both ways going flat out with a full load on board :cool:

Planning to visit my sis and see what George will do at normal speeds empty :D
As a seasoned BMW 7'er driver (a proper Bimmer mind you - the M62 powered 740's) we are not all the ar$ehole$ and 'See You Next Tuesday' 's people think we are....

Admittedly, my attitude to those in my way on the M3 between the M25 and Sunbury cross used to get a cursing and then a blat past as that Urban Bruiser of a 740 girded their loins and showed the mere mortals of the road that doing 50 in the fast lane is a really stupid idea.....but in every other situation most Bimmer drivers of the older models - E28, E32, E38, E39 etc - are a nice bunch who enjoy the drive of a sorted, well balanced bit of Bavarian Automotive Parlance - the modern Bimmers are, unfortunately, driven by the Tuesday crowd in most cases....even the newer 7'ers are driven but tw@t$ in cheap suits these days...
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I was surprised that he never overtook me, but on saying that, I was waaaayyyyyyyyy in front even though I overtook a car and he was out right after me, but I seemed to be able to lose him and I was on Ell Pee Gee an orl :p

When I stopped in a village for a cuppa, I gave him the thumbs up and he peeped and off he went in a glorious burble of Vee ate :D
Have you reset the fuel trims at all?

No, I'm not sure there's a need! I have noticed the switch-over is very very smooth to the point where I wonder "when" it happens?!?!

Before I had a lurch to let me know, but now shes smoother than Tony Blair persuading us the world is not full of terrorists thanks to him.....o_O
No, I'm not sure there's a need! I have noticed the switch-over is very very smooth to the point where I wonder "when" it happens?!?!

Before I had a lurch to let me know, but now shes smoother than Tony Blair persuading us the world is not full of terrorists thanks to him.....o_O
Judging by the fact that it's warmer this week than recently (down here at least) it sounds like the vaporiser is freezing when you draw more fuel through it.
Judging by the fact that it's warmer this week than recently (down here at least) it sounds like the vaporiser is freezing when you draw more fuel through it.

That was my 1st thought, but it performed faultlessly all the way through -3 and the "fault" only showed up miles after it had gone to +5 o_O

The heater hoses are always hot and the vapouriser isn't a hundred miles away from the right bank exhaust manifold so the chances of it freezing are low. However, the fuel pipe join to copper and the copper run is very much open to the cold for about 3ft or so...

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