or its an english guy/gay, sellin the bits off his car as its too much to matriculate it properly? or maybe he's fed up of bein called a gay by all his mates an has bought a defender? can't see it bein a stolen one tho TBH, it will be cheap as its a right hand drive car in left hand drive country......
its not a stolen gaylander, but one that has fallen fowl of the matriculatiion laws down here, cannot be used for more than 6 months without leaving the country for another 6 months, so it may have been caught by customs and confiscated hence the reason it can only be sold for parts and the price is for the engine only.
Could someone from over here drive it back to the UK and run it?

If the guy still has the V5 and therefore can change ownership without any hassle then yes.

If the MOT and tax are expired it would be necessary to make an appointment for an MOT at the port of entry and tax it right away. If the MOT is valid then it could be taxed on line.

Obviously it would also be necessary to have valid insurance with an UK company.

As in all these things caveat emptor.:)

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