It does have an immobiliser but when having opened the doors you then have to click open again to start the engine. This is not always the case though and it will usually start first turn.
given what you stole :) ( sorry) paid for the car , you should be able to throw a few bob at it sorting out the niggles and still be well in pocket .
they look different only because they are pictured together so your looking at the front of one and the back of one (if you get what i mean?) so if he turns one around the one on the left i think) then you will be looking as the back to the front, anyway its a set!!
He has 1 bad feedback only, (so do i) and hasn't sold a lot, thats why it looks bad, its a pick up anyway, so have a look at them and if they are rubbish walk away
I needed to replace mine after an accident so I bought a set off ebay for £174 they were easy to fit and came with mud flats and once fitted they looked better than the original ones.

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