
New Member
Hi all just thought i would vent a bit instead of burning my RRC. This tale begins with my front 10 spline diff giving up, so i got it in my garage and pulled the diff out and dropped it off to be rebuilt. While i was waiting for the diff i thought sod it and decided to get new cv's and swivel's as the ones on it were quite worn, so off to paddock i went and bought the parts. I set them up and fitted them,and then when i got my diff back i put it in then i fed the shafts into the diff fitted the cv and went to put the stub axle on but it was proud about 3 mm. I tried my normal shake it and call it names but still 3mm off. I then checked my new cv with the old and it was the same, i was about to try it in again when i looked in the swivel i thought something looked wrong so i pulled the driveshaft out to see there was no recess in the ball to take the bronze collar on the shaft (thats the 3mm). anyway talking to paddock they tell me i have 1 of 200 that have this bronze collar and no new swivels have the recess any more so i would need to get different shaft from a later model to work with the new swivels, so i went to a breakers and bought both sides from a discovery to be on the safe side( both were complete with swivel,discs and hub still on) so i got them home and stripped them to get the shafts out:eek: they were both the F*****G same as mine:doh: so WTF is going on. I guess the question can you still get the recessed swivel's or are paddock correct?
Well after that rant im still p****d off so i think im off to the pub to get hammered.
Ah'm a wee bit confused on this one!
Ye're sayin' there's a bronze bush in the swivel ball? If it's owt like the Defender 200's then the bronze bush is in the stub axle and not in the swivel ball.
Had a quick google and the swivel ball is the same..

FRC2644 CHROME STEERING SWIVEL BALL | shop | www.lrseries.com | L. R. Series

so that means there should only be a seal?

If ye have a look at me cv guide, it might give ye an idea as to where ah'm comin' from...


Still scratchin' me heid:confused:
just done my half shafts and diffs..converting 10 spline to 24..the bronze bush is in the stub axle..nought in the swivel ball except oil seal..thats 6 bolt and seven bolt (as i was using 2 24 axles for bits,and i completly stripped it and compared to my 10 spline axles...)

on this basis am a bit confused about what you stating...of course anything possible on a landy,as just about anything could have been changed by previous owners..

ahhh..now read your post again..are you stating inner shafts wont go into diff far enough as hits back of swivels too early..?p.s. have 4 diffs and shafts for sale...£100
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Hi sorry for my bad explanation, its a 89, Zen your right the shaft hits the swivel to early. yes mine has the bronze bush in the stub axle that the cv seats in but the one I am on about is a bronze collar on the drive shaft itself, and when you fit the shaft into the diff this collar seats in a recess in the ball, I guess this is to stop the shaft moving in and out as there are no clips on the shafts. I think the best thing is if I take some pics of the old and new ball, and shafts so you can see what I mean. I think i better not drink any more tonight or I might be sifting through ashes to take the pics.:)
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Here are the pics so you can see what im on about.

yep..looks like you right...will look at my spare swivels tomorrow...and compare..those are same shafts by the look at things as my spares..(which are 1981 vintage..)

you can have the swivels if any good.(will check tomorrow).just pick up/arrange collection..no good to me as i run 6 bolt swivels and my spares are 7 bolt..
Well iv'e sorted my problem, there was a 300tdi Disco 24 spline axle on ebay close to me for £85 so i took a chance and pressed the buy it now. When I went to collect it he had it on the front ready, WTF iv'e never seen an axle as rusty as this one in my life:doh: so I throw it in the trailer and take it home expecting it to be more money down the pan, but when I strip it down every thing inside is mint. All the shafts, cv's and stubs have no wear at all, and the diff is as tight and clean as the one I just got back from a rebuild. I just started to think my look was changing for the better when I got my iphone out to take some pics and dropped i straight in my parts washer. :screaming_bug_eye_f : :censored: :censored: :censored:
Well I went back to paddock again today to take back the CV's that I got for the old axle and change them for Disco CV's to fit my new axle, and once again they changed the parts for me with no fuss at all even though I must have been back about 3 or 4 times swapping things to try and get this axle sorted. So I will definitely be getting parts from them again, but i might leave it awhile because they already think Im a Nob:D

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