scrape the driverside dumbiron and you might find a number, if so post it


come on with the pics ;)
i'm going to take it to my unit and have a proper look
but after a poke about i cant find a numbe
i'm going to take it to my unit and have a proper look
but after a poke about i cant find a numbe

It can be difficult to find depending on age of chassis and amount of crap built up over time. You may need a stiff wire brush to reveal it.
I've recently had a word with the man I bought it off and he says he guarantees its legit and I shouldn't worry but can only tell me "the guy I got it off specialises in tax exempt vehicles"
I've recently had a word with the man I bought it off and he says he guarantees its legit and I shouldn't worry but can only tell me "the guy I got it off specialises in tax exempt vehicles"

It absolutely is NOT legit!

What it states on the V5 does not correspond to the vehicle carrying those number plates. They are 2 different vehicles. (or an amalgamation of several vehicles).
I've recently had a word with the man I bought it off and he says he guarantees its legit and I shouldn't worry but can only tell me "the guy I got it off specialises in tax exempt vehicles"

It absolutely is NOT legit!

What it states on the V5 does not correspond to the vehicle carrying those number plates. They are 2 different vehicles. (or an amalgamation of several vehicles).

what he said :(

take pics of the engine bay, your dash and gear stick, then scrape the dumb iron back and get those numbers and you'll find out what you've got.

but it's not what you thought you bought i'm afraid.
get your money back, contact the police or who ever can inspect the thing to determine if it is legat, If not the press charges against who sold it to you
presuming yorkshire

Now how close is that to the tax free stolen Defenders at the B&W show that Doc caused all the ruckus with? And then Red mentioned a few weeks ago there were so arrests made. Sounded like that whole club specialized in tax free defenders.
Now how close is that to the tax free stolen Defenders at the B&W show that Doc caused all the ruckus with? And then Red mentioned a few weeks ago there were so arrests made. Sounded like that whole club specialized in tax free defenders.

i totally missed all that. i'll have a read
I bought it off my brother in law he got it off a land rover restorer

I'm sorry to say it again mate but that landy is NOT legit, no part of that vehicle is from a 1965 siia, 88inch, petrol landy.

At the very least it needs to be IVA'ed and Q plated, worst case, it's a nicked ringer that needs to be returned to it's rightful owner and the "restorer" needs locking up.

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