
New Member
I have googled this a it but not really found a clear cut answer.

My land rover is a business vehicle (ie owned by my LTD company), basically its my van for moving old machinery about.

My accountant asked me today if it is a "commercial vehicle" for tax purposes.

I have tried to find out but cant find a clear answer. Has anyone faced a similar question?

It is a 1993 200tdi 2 seater, hard back, no rear seats, no rear windows.

1 thing that I do seem to need to know is what the payload is? Is it 1 ton or more? Any clues on that one too?
if its got a van back on it yes if its got windows in the side then yer on a sticky wicket ;)
had a 90 the same and the accountant said if it had windows in the side no hope :rolleyes:
If it has no windows in the back it's a van so yes it's a commercial, if you use it for personal use, even taking something to the tip it's classed as a benefit and subject to a £3000 tax bill, my accountant told me I should keep a log of all my mileage in my van so I can show every mile is bookable to a job in case they ever want to see it, it's academic in my case as it's got a tachograph in it but it's something you should keep in mind if you're claiming it as a commercial
Different taxes have a slightly different definition of what is commercial or not. For road tax, its seats/windows. For HMRC VAT exemption, its the use of the vehicle. ie you can get the VAT back for a car, but it must be put "out of reach" for personal use, in practice this means its kept at a workplace not home, and that its not insured for SDP use. For a van, the rules are slightly more relaxed in that it doesn't need to be "out of reach" but you're still not allowed to get a personal benefit off of it.

So beware trying to get VAT back etc just based on road tax class - it doesn't work like that.
Out of interest who are you guys insuring youre commercial vehicals with. I used to have a van and have stayed with them, not sure im getting the best deal for a landy


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