if we are askin which is more economical, arguing which is quicker when driving like a loon is a waste of effort.....

which is more economical when being driven by someone who has to delve deep find the cash to buy fuel appears to only have one answere......sound, power and who ****es on who at the traffic lights just aint relevant outside the kindergarten
if we are askin which is more economical, arguing which is quicker when driving like a loon is a waste of effort.....

which is more economical when being driven by someone who has to delve deep find the cash to buy fuel appears to only have one answere......sound, power and who ****es on who at the traffic lights just aint relevant outside the kindergarten
ha ha ha **** off..

ill do you at the lights on my mountain bike for a start.:p
ha ha ha **** off..

ill do you at the lights on my mountain bike for a start.:p

thanks for the offer but i dont want doing at the lights on a mountain bike

but thats about the level of reasoned argument id expect from a blob who thinks a v8 is economical
if we are askin which is more economical, arguing which is quicker when driving like a loon is a waste of effort.....

which is more economical when being driven by someone who has to delve deep find the cash to buy fuel appears to only have one answere......sound, power and who ****es on who at the traffic lights just aint relevant outside the kindergarten

Also can I ask why are we talking about the TDI compared to the v8... The OP is asking about the TD5 compared to the v8...
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Also can I ask why are we talking about the TDI compared to the v8... The OP is asking about the TD5 compared to the v8...

The TD5 is a bit **** compared to the TDi..............everyone knows that..!

TD5 against RV8 is like comparing warts and breasts....!

TDi against RV8 is like comparing nice pert buttocks and breasts...:D
So lots of talk about payback time and needing to keep the car years. I converted my d2 for £1800 which was a small petrol tank and a new LPG tank in place of the original petrol. It's a multipoint injection system.

Anyway I saved that £1800 in fuel cots in less than a year and now I am driving at just 64.6pL and am very happy.
Not trying to sound like a knob, but the OP asked about the fuel economy D2 TD5/P38 DSE compared to a D2 4.0/P38 4.6 on LPG.. Not the TDI! :doh:
So lots of talk about payback time and needing to keep the car years. I converted my d2 for £1800 which was a small petrol tank and a new LPG tank in place of the original petrol. It's a multipoint injection system.

Anyway I saved that £1800 in fuel cots in less than a year and now I am driving at just 64.6pL and am very happy.

But your engine is fooked as lpg and the RV8 don't get along very well.
Don't take my word for it...Google it....:eek:

Tip....Head Gasket
OK, look - I'm not interested in TDi's or 3.5 V8's or anything else, neither am I looking at a Series 2 offroader or a 200 Tdi workhorse! So all this "my Tdi will beat your 3.5 V8" pettiness is like tits on a fish I'm afraid - useless.

As a couple of people have said, I am trying to compare a TD5 D2 to an LPG'd 4.0 V8 D2, or a 2.5 BMW-diesel P38a to a 4.0/4.6 V8 P38a on LPG.

To clarify, I would be buying a V8 that was already converted, not looking for one to convert myself - so we can knock out the £1,500-£2,000 investment costs for starters.

Servicing an LPG system is cheap, around £80-100 a year, which is not a great deal.

The V8's are relatively reliable, atlhough I am aware they can overheat and do run hotter on LPG than petrol, so yes this is a valid concern - has anyone had any problems with this?

Other than that, on the whole it seems that LPG works out a bit cheaper on these vehicles, plus you have the added benefit of the fact that a V8 really is better in a vehicle of that size.

I think ultimately if I was going for a Disco 2 I'd prob look for a TD5 (easier to sell on, supposedly a better engine than the 2.5 BMW unit), but if it was a P38a I go for than a V8 on LPG could be a better bet. No loss of boot space (tyre in the spare wheel well), carry a couple of cans of tyre weld for emergencies and on longer trips greenlaning/overlanding and I'd put the spare(s) on the roof rack anyway and have the petrol tank full in case of an LPG shortage. Sorted!
From an outside view of all this,if you buy a multi point LPG system fitted car which is well fitted and maintained then i have never had a issue with it,and the joy of a v8 is fantastic.
I think it depends on the car you are looking at buying,if you get offered a really nice LPG,over an average tdi/dse, i would by the better car
OK, look - I'm not interested in TDi's or 3.5 V8's or anything else, neither am I looking at a Series 2 offroader or a 200 Tdi workhorse! So all this "my Tdi will beat your 3.5 V8" pettiness is like tits on a fish I'm afraid - useless.

a can of tyre weld will not fix a shredded tyre will it ?

No, but the RAC will!

Seriosuly though, most of my journeys are my 10 mile each way trip to and from work, or on motorways. If I were to get a flat, tyre weld would do the trick. If it's shredded, I can get the car collected easy enough locally, or if I'm on a motorway I'd make use of my RAC Membership - having had a friend hit by an articulated lorry whilst he replaced a tyre, I wouldn't risk it myself, thanks - far too many tired/drunk/both drivers on the road to make it worth it.

No, but the RAC will!

Seriosuly though, most of my journeys are my 10 mile each way trip to and from work, or on motorways. If I were to get a flat, tyre weld would do the trick. If it's shredded, I can get the car collected easy enough locally, or if I'm on a motorway I'd make use of my RAC Membership - having had a friend hit by an articulated lorry whilst he replaced a tyre, I wouldn't risk it myself, thanks - far too many tired/drunk/both drivers on the road to make it worth it.

What about if a bitter ex girlfriend slashes one of your tyres right outside your house ? .......happens to me all the time ! (not)
To clarify, I would be buying a V8 that was already converted, not looking for one to convert myself - so we can knock out the £1,500-£2,000 investment costs for starters.

Not really, because used vehicles which are already fitted with LPG (especially those where it has been done properly, not by a cowboy, and are properly certificated) carry a substantial premium over an equivalent vehicle without the conversion. So you're still paying more, but probably not as much as the installation would cost.

The V8's are relatively reliable, atlhough I am aware they can overheat and do run hotter on LPG than petrol, so yes this is a valid concern - has anyone had any problems with this?

Big mistake, you'll regret you ever said that :D:doh:

Seriously though, there does seem to be a correlation between LPG and big engine bills with the RV8s. Porous blocks, cracked heads, slipped liners, etc etc etc have been linked to the use of LPG with these engines.

For an engine that already runs too hot, do you really think that increasing the running temp even further is a good idea?

If you do end up with a RV8 on LPG, make absolutely certain the cooling system is in tip-top condition, as overheating is the quickest way for these engines to end up on the scrap heap. ;)
One last point, - the availability of LPG vs. diesel. Even in this country, you sometimes have to go out of your way in order to acquire the fuel. On the continent it is better, but still not as good as diesel.

You also mentioned overlanding - depending on where you go, finding LPG for your tank could be very difficult - for example Morocco, where I don't think you'd be able to find any at all. In these circumstances you'd have to revert to petrol. Just food for thought ;)

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