
New Member
It's like a short wirring noise just after it turns over.. thought it was the starter motor (sticking) so gave it a few gentle whacks.. it then stopped doing it for a while but started again so i had starter motor changed last week (under warranty) for a brand new one.. got in, started it and it's still fooking making this noise!!

doing me head in.. could it be the new motor is sticking??
It sounds more likely the ABS self check on start up. Put your foot on the brake at start up and you'll feel it through the pedal.

Nice way of getting a new starter though! :D
Lol I'll do that in the morning.. wierdly it makes the same noise as the traction control... full of surprises these motors!
Lol I'll do that in the morning.. wierdly it makes the same noise as the traction control... full of surprises these motors!

Thats because it is the same noise generated by the ABS unit, which does the traction control as well.

Its a self check of the shuttle valves on start up, perfectly normal and they all do it.

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