
New Member
hello people :)

only just registered on this forum, bought my 1984 LR90 last Monday and its my first car ever!

so thats the first 2 out of the way. now i was wondering if i could pick all of your experienced LR brains?

my 90 needs a bit of work on it which i am prepared to do and learn as i have never dealt with vehicles before (used to be a mountain bike mechanic). so expect a fair few posts over the coming months from myself :rolleyes:

i will be replacing the doors fairly soon and noticed on the replacments that the thin metal part near where the window enters is broken on one and completely missing on the other. is this important to hold the windows in? can i just snap the old ones off and weld them onto the new doors?

secondly, does anyone know if/where i can get chequer plating for the interior doors. ive seen them for every other part of a 90 but not interior doors.

thirdly, can i just change the barrel in the rear door lock or do i need a whole replacement?

forthly, when i drove it back from exeter to bristol on monday it was running quite hot. i didnt take my foot off the go button all the way and it took 2hrs (50-60mph) is this normal for a vehicle of this age or indeed a land rover? i assume it should the gauge should sit halfway.

fithly, what pressure should i be running my grizzly claw tires at on the road and then off the road? (it doesnt say on the sidewall)

sixthly, (this is getting silly) does anyone have instructions for fitting a swingaway wheel carrirer (paddocks) and rock slider sills? as these came with the vehicle but are not fitted.

there... think thats it for now. im not going to ask how to open the bonnet (think the lock is broke) cos you may all mock me out of this forum :(

ALL of your advice/opinions/info/wealth of knowledge/sarcasm/jokes and abuse is greatly appreciated and i want to absorb all that is my LR 90

bye for now.
Cant answer all of em,but heres a few answers.
Yes you can just change the barrel in the lock,although the complete gubbins aint expensive anyway.
Bonnet,remove radiator grill,then you can get ya hand up and slide the lock over to open bonnet,new cables are cheap and easy to fit.
Speed sounds normal for landy that age,the NA engine (not turbo).
Anyways good luck and enjoy havin a landy.
cheers matto,

yer, im not worried about the speed. the tires slow everything down and it is only a 2.5 non turbo.

i was just mentioning it was flatout with relation to overheating. im just worried/paranoid (delete as appropriate) about blowing something due to overheating.

thanks for the lock advice. will prob buy the barrel so i can keep the same key on all 3 doors.

Speed sounds normal, however give me a few details on your engine if you can, diesel, size etc... Then I can better assist you with the heat problem.

Regarding the barrels, you may have an issue getting them out if it is an original lock assy and barrel, it will be corroded in there fairly well, it could be quicker to drill them out, although if you have the time, let them sit with oil in and around them, then you may have some luck. There is a hole on the side of the cylinder that houses the barrel, this may also have filled with rust, and the little catch and spring; which you push in with a thin pin/nail/screwdriver to release it from the barrel may have seized up really badly, so don't be suprised if they don't want to come out.

I run my tyres at about 30 all round, I used to follow the guide which said front should be 28 and back 32 or something, but I would not worry over this.

Now a question for you, how can I get my Magura MTB brakes to be a bit less spongey?
Can you post photos of the door/window problem?

Tyre pressure. I run mine at 30psi front and 40psi rear on and off road, Ive not got a compressor to pump them back up again after offroading, but it all depends on terrain etc etc.

I dont do chequer plate unless it's for walking on.

Overheating isn't normal. What have you checked?

If you're posting pics of your windows/door, could you post some of the rear rockslider mountings? I want to make some but am not quite sure of the rear mountings.

Sarcasm/jokes and abuse? on this forum? Never!
cheers for the tire pressure advice discomania and grunt. i needed it before tonight as im taking my 1st long haul (well for me and my landy) trip up to shropshire on sat morning. (national mountain board event).

thanks for the lock advice too. didnt think about it seizing up. will prob just get a new unit.

will try and get some door pics up next week.

as for "what have i checked" only the coolant levels, which were fine and i topped it up with engine oil last night. like i said, not only land rovers, but car mechanics as well are all new to me. was thinking of replacing the thermostat to make sure and poss flush the rad. depending on how hard it is.

when i say over heating, it didnt quite overheat on the way back to bristol, it was just getting close. it was over half way after 2hrs on the M5... does that help?

the reason for my concern is that i read on here that land rovers dont tend to run that hot. and most people only get to about half on the temp gauge... unless mine is out.

the engine is a diesel, 2.5 n/a and its done 156k. well thats what the clock says.

right... as for your mags. i never did get on with them that well. you could run harder compound pads, and a brake booster. this stops your frame flexing. which is why most of them feel spongy. is it responsive while you pull the lever and then only spongy when you pull hard? if thats the case then its prob. frame flex. you may also want to bleed them a few times to get all the tiny air bubbles out (which im sure you know anyway). apart from that, buy some disks :) mags were great back in the day before disks were greatly improved.

cheers for the quick replies and advice.

how can I get my Magura MTB brakes to be a bit less spongey?
Can't you just put new brake blocks in. When I was a lad I used to roughen the wheel rim with emery to improve the brakes. EY!! how about Jamming a lolly stick behind the brake arm so it clicks against the spokes as you ride along. COOL or what?
I see where your coming from but Magura's are hydralic rim brakes, so its more like a car system, the problem I have looked is that the frame pushes apart (these brakes can apply some mental pressue). Cheers Griffdowg.

I have the same engine, if I am on the motorway, foot to the floor, I will sit just above half, this will drop if I drop speed slightly, if I was going to be on the motorway for a long haul I would probaly sit with the accelerator not quite floored, thus letting the temp at half. If you get some time, try flushing the system out, basily discon the hoses, then run a hose into the top, let it run out the bottom until it runs clear, same with the engine, then refill with a mix of about 50/50 antifreeze/water (It ranges from 25% to 60% antifreeze).
will take heed of what you say. i suppose i was a little silly keeping my foot on the go button all the way. will take it easier tomorrow morn. :) will flush the rad when i get back sometime next week after work.

i know you using rim brakes :) it the frame is flexing or the fork brace is flexing, get some brake boosters. think their about £20 (try ebay) they should help out a little.

thanks again discomania.

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