I am happy to join and looking forward to getting some useful tips on maintaining my 1994 Rangerover Classic LSE. Some of you may have realise that my avatar shows badges from an earlier era as I was introduced to Rangerovers in the 70's when they were very different. My father had a '73 Rangerover B suffix and I studied the parts catalogue for hours to understand how they had developed over the early years. We swapped the engine for one we bought from the owner of a tarmac gang (he had put a diesel in his) and I was amused to find out (by calling Landrover Technical) that the new unit was one of only 5 built with a particular combination of carburettors and distributor, a result of parts shortages due to industrial action, and requiring a very different ignition setting. British Leyland was so concerned about unreliability that advertising focused on how 'Supercover gets the Gremlins Tremblin', roughly translated as 'they may not work as delivered but we'll try to fix them'.
I later owned a P reg Disco 3.9 V8 which I had converted to LPG and then a D2 TD5.
Currently I have a TR7 V8 as well as 2 Triumph motorbikes, hence the 'Trio of Triumphs'. My daily runners are an electric Nissan Leaf and a Golf GTE Hybrid.
I am excited to be back in a Classic after all these years, hopefully that feeling will last.

We like piccies

We like piccies
Piccies will follow as soon as I gave got this blooming after market Clifford alarm off it and stopped the battery drain. I should have got some when I stopped half way down a steep hill in Northumberland last week but I was more focused on getting the snow chains on before it plumetted over the edge. I did think of going back for piccies but decided better not!

Nice garage full of vehicles you have:)

Try not to mention. The leaf to loudly thou:eek:

Oh yeah and as ^^^^^ pics of all of them to for us all to drool over is always greatly received :D:)

OK there is a recurring theme here re piccies so I went out and took some. Now the app says that the contents don't match the extension! I am a traditionalist, if it was good enough for a box brownie it should be good enough here. Any ideas?
OK there is a recurring theme here re piccies so I went out and took some. Now the app says that the contents don't match the extension! I am a traditionalist, if it was good enough for a box brownie it should be good enough here. Any ideas?
The images need to be in one of these formats
png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif
Do you know if they are?
Use the 'upload a file' tab in the reply box to upload pics.

Its a green button between 'post reply' and 'more options' and is helpfully labeled 'upload a file' :)
Use the 'upload a file' tab in the reply box to upload pics.

Its a green button between 'post reply' and 'more options' and is helpfully labeled 'upload a file' :)
Yes, that is what I am doing. They are Jpg files created on and stored on my iPad. It still says that the contents doesn't match the extension.
I am happy to join and looking forward to getting some useful tips on maintaining my 1994 Rangerover Classic LSE. Some of you may have realise that my avatar shows badges from an earlier era as I was introduced to Rangerovers in the 70's when they were very different. My father had a '73 Rangerover B suffix and I studied the parts catalogue for hours to understand how they had developed over the early years. We swapped the engine for one we bought from the owner of a tarmac gang (he had put a diesel in his) and I was amused to find out (by calling Landrover Technical) that the new unit was one of only 5 built with a particular combination of carburettors and distributor, a result of parts shortages due to industrial action, and requiring a very different ignition setting. British Leyland was so concerned about unreliability that advertising focused on how 'Supercover gets the Gremlins Tremblin', roughly translated as 'they may not work as delivered but we'll try to fix them'.
I later owned a P reg Disco 3.9 V8 which I had converted to LPG and then a D2 TD5.
Currently I have a TR7 V8 as well as 2 Triumph motorbikes, hence the 'Trio of Triumphs'. My daily runners are an electric Nissan Leaf and a Golf GTE Hybrid.
I am excited to be back in a Classic after all these years, hopefully that feeling will last.
Looks like the Apple Gods are aligned tonight. Look forward to getting some better photos soon, oh and this is the TR7V8 in it's traditional state.
oh and this is the TR7V8 in it's traditional state.

What ? broken down :eek: :rolleyes: ..... :D

That looks nice too :)

I like a TR - used to have Spitfires back in the day - and me Father had one with a blueprinted engine - lots of fun till you wanted it to go round a corner o_O

Need an auto now due my crappy health, so D1 for me, and I have no time for modern stuff ;)
What ? broken down :eek: :rolleyes: ..... :D

That looks nice too :)

I like a TR - used to have Spitfires back in the day - and me Father had one with a blueprinted engine - lots of fun till you wanted it to go round a corner o_O

Need an auto now due my crappy health, so D1 for me, and I have no time for modern stuff ;)
It seems that the metal braided hydraulic clutch pipe was bouncing against the positive of the starter motor all the way through Kielder Forest. Result? Little burn holes in the pipe, highly inflammable hydraulic fluid and sparks! Still it's back together now, lots of fun in the summer but not really a winter toy. My D1 was manual but my D2 was Auto. I was very happy with each of them but they really wanted to return to a classic. I would have liked an old 2 door but I remember how reliable they were and my garage chappy (who ran soft dash classics on LPG for years) would have disowned me. :-(
It seems that the metal braided hydraulic clutch pipe was bouncing against the positive of the starter motor all the way through Kielder Forest. Result? Little burn holes in the pipe, highly inflammable hydraulic fluid and sparks! Still it's back together now, lots of fun in the summer but not really a winter toy. My D1 was manual but my D2 was Auto. I was very happy with each of them but they really wanted to return to a classic. I would have liked an old 2 door but I remember how reliable they were and my garage chappy (who ran soft dash classics on LPG for years) would have disowned me. :-(

Ah! :eek: pretty lucky that didn't end much worse than a tow home :(

2 door RRC's can be reliable with sympathetic updating - there are various outfits who'll rebuild one to your spec ..... for a price! - actually quite a hefty price :eek:

If I replace either of our D1's - it'll be with an RRC, probably a 2 door .... I'm certainly not going more modern. High in the Pennines as we are, it is very damp much of the year - four months of winter, and 8 months of bad weather as a neighbour puts it :D - and all this electronic "stuff" will NOT live o_O

Ask me how I know :rolleyes:

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