
Hello people,
The indicator are problematic on my 03 discovery. They don't want to work when the interior is cold. Sometimes work when you press down on the flasher stalk.
Get more reliable when the interior has warmed up.
My question is, can the indicator switch be taken apart and contacts cleaned .as I think this is what is needed.
Your help most appreciated.
Thanks Gary.
The switch can be disassembled, reassembly might be an issue depending on your skills, but if u can see the contacts a quick splash of electrical switch cleaner maybe beneficial.
If your issue was just one side u could suspect an iffy flasher relay, but you have two one for each side, I suppose that both could have an iffy connection in the socke, so no harm in pulling both out and refitting if the relay connections are clean.
Oh silly me, do you mean they should go on and off and on and off. good one Interceptorxj.
Its a problem, when you are turning into a side road and someone is waiting to come out, you turn the flasher on but nothing happens until you've turned the corner. I can imagine what they would be saying, and it's not nice. LOL.
Wish everthing would fix that easy, I removed the steering column cowlings and sprayed wd40 in the very small gap above the indicator stalk and a squirt below. Now they are working as they should.
Now i am a happy Flasher.

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