Pressure in the system is a function of temperature not pump output....the pump provides flow, the temperature provides pressure.

Low flow, temp rises....pressure increases....
To add to the above comment, on the diesel, metal water pumps produce a lot less flow than the original plastic item, making the cooling system marginal in ambient temperatures of 41C plus
To add to the above comment, on the diesel, metal water pumps produce a lot less flow than the original plastic item, making the cooling system marginal in ambient temperatures of 41C plus
My original (LR) unit lasted 138,000 miles. Hardest part was getting the bits of broken
Plastic out
Done quite a few miles over the weekend and noticed once it's been up to temp for a while say 30-60 mins, there's a hint of a hiss from the expansion cap, ie its letting a small amount of pressure out.
When i open the cap when the engine is fully cold, there's still pressure in the system and the coolant level rises in the expansion tank.

Does this mean I've still got an air lock?

Even when sitting in traffic for ages yesterday, temp remained steady and didn't go over 94c. Not losing any coolant that i can see
Done quite a few miles over the weekend and noticed once it's been up to temp for a while say 30-60 mins, there's a hint of a hiss from the expansion cap, ie its letting a small amount of pressure out.
When i open the cap when the engine is fully cold, there's still pressure in the system and the coolant level rises in the expansion tank.

Does this mean I've still got an air lock?

Even when sitting in traffic for ages yesterday, temp remained steady and didn't go over 94c. Not losing any coolant that i can see
Sounds like there may still be air in the system, but It might mean your pressure cap is not holding pressure, make sure it's screwed down good and tight, some of them are stiff to turn before they seal.
Thanks, I'll try and give it more of a turn, I've been worried about over tightening it.
Also just thought about the LPG vapourisers, the gas isn't turned on at the track but if they are ruptured maybe that could cause a problem too.. but I'm not sure how the gas/coolant is separated
Might try removing them from the coolant circuit
Thanks, I'll try and give it more of a turn, I've been worried about over tightening it.
Also just thought about the LPG vapourisers, the gas isn't turned on at the track but if they are ruptured maybe that could cause a problem too.. but I'm not sure how the gas/coolant is separated
Might try removing them from the coolant circuit
Failed vaporisers are not that unusual, certainly worth isolating them from the coolant circuit.
That's my next job! And maybe a new jubilee clip on the top hose.. keep tightening, keeps leaking!! It's a new hose
If the cooling system is pressurising then it's not cooling enough or it's getting combustion gases in there. There could be heaps of causes. If it's had a stop leak in there then the radiator could be partially blocked (it could be partially blocked even if you haven't had a stop leak in there), the thermostat maybe faulty, sticking partially open, open enough to allow cooling under normal conditions but not opening enough to allow adequate cooling when needed. Corroded or broken water pump impeller, viscous coupling faulty.
I had an intermittent overheat on my 2.5 DSE and it was the viscous coupling, not saying of course that is your solution.
Try a new radiator cap, it wouldn't be the first time it's solved what seems to be a complex cooling problem. After reading all the posts, i reckon that's the first thing i would do.
good luck.
It's had stop leak, full of nasty copper flakes which caused plenty of issues. I think that's all flushed out now.
The water pump and viscous coupling are like new. The radiator seems to be completely clear - the coolant temp doesn't get above 94c even when sat in stationary traffic. The thermostat is working properly, I've replaced the cap and the expansion tank
There's definitely air somewhere in the system as the level in the expansion tank drops a long way as it gets hot. It doesn't show signs of over pressure until it's been fully hot for at least half an hour or maybe more.
Found another issue, the cheap expansion tank i bought, the screw thread goes soft when it gets hot!! Let's the cap pop off slightly. It's maintaining pressure but it can't be a good thing..
Found another issue, the cheap expansion tank i bought, the screw thread goes soft when it gets hot!! Let's the cap pop off slightly. It's maintaining pressure but it can't be a good thing..

Once hot it shouldn't repressurise.
^^^ like my original. They take out rad and whatever they hit on the way out too

Yep a seized viscous with the engine at 4000 RPM spins at around 7000 RPM. Viscous fans should never exceed 80% of engine RPM even when full engaged, there should always be slip.

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