
New Member
So, been having some problems with the rear lights on my ex military s3 109. Tail lights flashing alternately with the indicators etc and then with the right hand indicators being live with ignition on. Electrics aren't my strong point so it caused a bit of head scratching to say the least! Anyway, isolated the fault to the part of the loom inside the chassis so pulled it out today and found that who ever had replaced the rear crossmember had just cut the wires, twisted them back together and wrapped the whole sorry mess in electrical tape! How it lasted over 18 months since I bought it I don't know! Repaired the joints this evening and after temporarily hooking it up it seems happy! Looks like I'll be ringing auto sparks on Monday and ordering a new chassis loom!
if you use some good connectors for the wires and tape them well, no reason why the repair shouldn't last

a new loom would be nice but why spend £70 or so if you don't need to
Yeah, I guess it should be fine! Was just chuffed to see the lights work again! A week without driving the Landy is too long!
Nothing beats buying a new loom only to have a mouse get inside the frame, or crawl through a cracked handbrake gaiter and get behind the dash. Just bought new gaiters for the levers 3 years ago, and checking last week they all have cracks. Got some leather ones coming now. I wish these spare plastic bits used better plastic / rubber ingredients. Someone should sell a whole kit on fleabay. Every possible grommet, gaiter, plug for a particular model in one package. I know the OP said it was a botched repair job from earlier, but just saying rodents will be the death of me. I heard steel wool works well to plug holes too. Glad you got your lights working.
That would be soul destroying! Guessing it depends where you park it. Quite a few of our neighbours seem to have cats so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem! Got it all connected more permanently today, routed the loom down the inside edge of the chassis rail and re wrapped it too so at least if anything crops up I can get to it easily! Fingers crossed it keeps working, time will tell!

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