Stop being a tight wad and buy the proper one, by the time you've sourced the different pipe work I doubt that there'd be much in it
Do you think that 1 or the full width 1 would be better I'm not wanting it to be stupid fast just want it to tow better and keep the engine cooler whilst towing.
im currently looking at intercoolers for my 300tdi... just cant decide if the allisport one is worth the extra money
A bigger cooler on its own will make little difference. Seen 300 one's on the flea bay for the same amount of money and they say they are uprated but look standard size to me. Pinch of salt time?
Just buy one off ebay, if you're going to bodge the pipework anyway then it don't matter what it's from. I bought one off a car-boot for £2 for an iveco. It's just over twice the size.
I'd like to keep it as standard as possible just want to make sure that the 1 I'm thinking of buying isn't going to be just as good as the original 1. Has anyone tried them?
Don't go for a full width one that covers the radiator. Soon as you've been offroad they block up so easy and then loose all your air flow to the rad causing steamy issues!

Go for the deep/ double depth ones that still mount next the rad. Got one on my 200 running a vgt turbo. Works well.

The ones you've shared you will gain nothing. They need be double depth. (The 115mm ones) to gain anything at all. Otherwise might as well stay with a factory one.
Wow that's exactly the advice I was after thanks very much do they do them for 300tdi or am I best trying to mod that one to fit.
They should do them for 300 aswell but I can't see any listed.
This chap was selling them a few months back might be worth sending him a messege? Think that's were I bought mine from..


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