Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote! to the forum :)
The situtation .....
currently insured as a named driver on my dads policy, he is looking at getting a new rav-4 and there after 3grand for the insurance :eek:
so im considering getting my own car and desperatly want a landy!!:D
Anyone know of any good insurers? happy to go third party
btw ive just turned 18 :doh:
NFU (national farmers union) deffinatley the cheapest. im also 18 ,,,just. and been insured ona 90 scince i was 17 with nfu of you can do a pass plus theyll give you a 30 % discount, well worth it i got 800 squid back. itll prob start around 2.5 g like mine but better with pass plus then goes down after a year (if you dont crash it, like me ) :)
try direct line i have my saxo vts turbo and defender 90 insured with them on same policy and only £950 a year fully comp and im only 20 2 years ncb and never took the pass plus if i had have done would have bein cheaper
I tried a few and the three cheapest were Adrian flux, Sureterm and Frank Pickles.
Frank Pickles insured me fully comp for £158 on my defender 300TDI with greenlaning and snorkel mods!
Your best bet is to try money super market,, go compare, elephant etc... and see what you come up with if you havnt already tried the comparison sites. Some comparison sites get cheaper quotes than others. Good Luck!
I'm 26 now, but have had loads of cars Clio Williams, Westfield Megablade, Elise, R32, Impreza, VX220, Disco 3 the list goes on, and to be honest only now am I seeing a noticable reduction in premium, I've got 6 years no claims and other driving quals but unfortunately high premuims are something young drivers are going to have to get used too. Its cost me a fortune in the past, over 1k per year several times, but every car I've had I've known this before I've had it, and because I love cars I've bitten the bullit and gone for it, if you want specialist or performance cars you pay the premiums or drive a Chrevrolet Matiz! :doh: Oh yeah what I was going to say, try Adrian Flux, they've always been really good for me :D
int third party as expensive as fully comp these days - or did i dream that ?

be lucky to find anyone who'll insure you on a landy for much less than 3k at your age

own policy dad as a named driver at 18 with a years no claims 1800 quid:D
oh 200tdi defender btw:D
Your best bet is to try money super market,, go compare, elephant etc... and see what you come up with if you havnt already tried the comparison sites. Some comparison sites get cheaper quotes than others. Good Luck!

agree with you on this one mate adrain flux is a rip off for young drivers and there only a broker cheaper to go direct in the first place :p
I am in exactly the same position. I have just turned 18 and i have got a defender 110 which i am doing some work on. I have been doing some research and the lowest i can find is about £1200 on my dads policy! Third party is more expensive than fully comp for some strange reason!?!?!?!?!? I really dont want to but my only option is looking like selling my defender and buying a series. :-(

I HATE INSUANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in exactly the same position. I have just turned 18 and i have got a defender 110 which i am doing some work on. I have been doing some research and the lowest i can find is about £1200 on my dads policy! Third party is more expensive than fully comp for some strange reason!?!?!?!?!? I really dont want to but my only option is looking like selling my defender and buying a series. :-(

I HATE INSUANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!


do you have a years no claims or not being 18? if its your first car you will have to pay loads if you can afford to get your own policy works out cheaper in the long run:D
I am in exactly the same position. I have just turned 18 and i have got a defender 110 which i am doing some work on. I have been doing some research and the lowest i can find is about £1200 on my dads policy! Third party is more expensive than fully comp for some strange reason!?!?!?!?!? I really dont want to but my only option is looking like selling my defender and buying a series. :-(

I HATE INSUANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why dont you go on your dads? i'd take that anyday just cant seem to find that sort of quote :doh:
im 17 and ive got a 90 insurance group 15 i think, cheapest i found fully comp was about 2500 with aviva i believe, wich would of left me broke for a very long time, so i put on the lorry buisness and its now classed as a maintenence vechile ( or as the drivers call it the unrapid response unit ) it worked out at 700 quid a year and onyone whos got a liscence can drive it, so my advise for you is get adopted by sum1 with a lorry buisness and it will be much cheaper, hope this helps
There is a god!!

I have just taken out a policy with aviva. I have a 2.5L 1987 defender 110 and my dad took out a policy with them on my landy then tried to add me. Nothing unusual about that. They quoted him £456.75 to put me on the policy for a years fully comp insurance. I was expecting a massive excess of like £1000 but no. £200 excess with windscreen cover (my jaw hit the ground at this point!) I am 18 and i have 1 years no claims. Un believeable!

Check them out! They are well worth a look!
There is a god!!

I have just taken out a policy with aviva. I have a 2.5L 1987 defender 110 and my dad took out a policy with them on my landy then tried to add me. Nothing unusual about that. They quoted him £456.75 to put me on the policy for a years fully comp insurance. I was expecting a massive excess of like £1000 but no. £200 excess with windscreen cover (my jaw hit the ground at this point!) I am 18 and i have 1 years no claims. Un believeable!

Check them out! They are well worth a look!

if you have years no claims you could of insured it yourself for around 1500-1800 quid i no there alot cheaper to insure than factory fitted tdi why i dont know, but doing it your way has saved you a lot of money

but you wont get any more no claims discount being a named driver or do you have another car?

as my defender is my main car i insured it in my own name was costly but it keeps every one happy :D apart from my bank balence:p

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