
New Member
My '96 Disco 300 TDi was hit the other week by a Renault Clio whilst parked outside the house and although the damage was not that significant, due to its age, it is likely that the car will be written off! I’ve only had it a year and I’m obviously concerned about how much the insurance company will pay out, so was wondering if anyone knew how they calculate the ‘current market value’.

Also, buying the car back has crossed my mind as the damage could be repaired, the worst of the damage being a bent front axle. Anyone got any experience of buying back from the insurers and how they calculate the sum for this?


if yer real lucky they may give you salvage rights to it as they did with a mini i once, sorry! twice had.but i've no idea how they work it out.. yer best bet is to get it taken to a friendly breakers yard. where , if they don't give you the salvage rights they will most certainly give them to the breaker. so all you need do is work out some thing before hand with him.
I once set my Kawasaki on fire and had it written off and the insurers sold it back to me for £50 . The lotus on the other hand was written off and even they though paid out £5000 for it they wouldnt sell the thing back to me under any circumstances. No I dea why not SO just phone them .
This has happened to me a few times.... (none my fault)

1999: A lady driver was travelling in the opposite direction and turned into a side road crossing my path. We collided and thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. My £50 montego (1986 1.6L 101,000) was wrecked and her insurance company paid out £1000.

2005: A lady driver failed to stop at a mini island which I was halfway round. She hit the front of my Rover 220 and caused £1360 damage. The car was worth about £400 (1994 M 157K, 2.0L). I received £1040 and was allowed to keep the car. I repaired with new pattern parts for £80 and the car is still in use today.

Basically what im trying to say is that they have to compensate you if it is a total loss. You will most likely receive full market value of your vehicle and the cost of accessories if fitted.

Off the top of my head, I'd say your car is worth about £5,000 - so should be a viable repair option by any high street garage.


Not always.

Watch out for the insurance guys they will try to get out of paying full market price.

I once shortened a 2.0 Caviler (by 4 ft) when a BT wagon turned right at a set of lights
across my path (Yes I had my foot in the Axminster) and I bent a Luton bodied van almost in half .

Anyway this car was 4 weeks out of the showroom and had cost the company £16000.00, BT admitted fault
and the whole thing was witnessed by a car full of CID men waiting at the lights.
The BT guy got points and a fine but still his insurance would only pay 14000.00, the secondhand price of a year old car.
We sued them in the end and got the lot but they pulled every trick in the book to get out of paying full market value.

In short stick to your guns and don't accept anything less than full market value even if you cant buy it back.

Good luck.
Essentaily all companys will pull tricks to save money, HP will tell you to do an "anti static test" on a laptop instead of sending out an engineer, NTL will tell you do reboot your modem and PC to save having to spend time helping you, insurance companies hope that your just a standard joe bloggs user who doesn't know their righs etc...

So yea, fight for what your due.
Still not a definite write off, but the main problem is a bent front axle quoted at £5600 to replace! The other damage is cosmetic!

if the front axle was bent in a collision i would say it stands a chance there is more damage than that, like the chassis could be twisted, if you think the front axle is held in place by 2 great big radius arms and they bolt onto the chassis, therefore if the axle is bent it stands to reason that the radius arms have moved and because they are big thick lumps of cast, then the chassis(being the weaker of the two) is going to move. i would let em write it off and let em keep it ;)

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