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I have to leave a vehicle in a layby next to the road near mine to sell it, I have tax and MOT on the vehicle but am not insured on it. Somebody told me tonight I have to also be insured on it or it could be towed away or £100 fine:eek:.

Is this true?

Very possible as it won't show on the MIB database, you could end up with more of a fine than that as you won't be able to prove how it got to the layby without being driven either.
cheers buddy:)

Ive just moved it to outside my old dears house, its right next to the road but at least its now on private land.

She'll be pretty p***ed off when she sees it tomorrow but I suppose thats better than a fine:(
To quote from the back of my tax disc renewal form that came in the post today, "If your vehicle is not insured and you have not made a SORN, you may be fined, or your vehicle may be clamped, seized and may be disposed of. You could also be prosecuted"
but its ok on private land right? I take it that only applies to vehicles on the public highway? If not that is stupid, it would be better for me to cancel my tax disc, get a rebate and then SORN it.
****! ive had it parked up at mine for about 4 months now (about 200 meters up a private lane) taxed but without insurance. Looks like i'll have to SORN it then, seems quite stupid to me, I feel the car is more likely to sell with the 2 remaining months of tax left on it, im only asking £500 for it as it is:(.
****! ive had it parked up at mine for about 4 months now (about 200 meters up a private lane) taxed but without insurance. Looks like i'll have to SORN it then, seems quite stupid to me, I feel the car is more likely to sell with the 2 remaining months of tax left on it, im only asking £500 for it as it is:(.

What car is it? I'm looking for something like a Disco 200tdi for my father...
I take it your dad lives in the UK, otherwise it could be a long drive mate:). Sorry pal its a coupe not a 4X4 anyway.
I might be wrong but I think this comes in to effect from may this year. Another beurocratic bull**** law.
I take it your dad lives in the UK, otherwise it could be a long drive mate:). Sorry pal its a coupe not a 4X4 anyway.

I'm doing this drive regularly. And all my cars are from blighty, but the pug...
Need to have a break from the people over here, they're driving me nuts. I thought about going up to dorset in a month or so anyway.
How you even dare have an uninsured vehicle out on the roads is beyond me...if it gets nicked you get nowt...good luck!
How you even dare have an uninsured vehicle out on the roads is beyond me...if it gets nicked you get nowt...good luck!


My cars are registered in Krautland, any car I get has either Tax, Mot and my insurance or does the journey on the trailer mate!
Is this like a side/pocket money job? If so, look into getting a traders policy. Though, I've no idea what that would cost, may not even be viable.

If you're just selling your old car, why not just take it off the road and put it on Autotrader? I've always done that in the past and never had trouble selling a car. If the price is right, people will buy it.

I honestly wouldn't leave it there with no insurance. Many police cars have onboard ANPR computers. (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) All it takes is for one passing traffic cop car to scan your vehicle, and you're in trouble. The fact that it probably has "For sale" signs on it will probably also lead them to suspicion too. I assume that it's on a busy layby also, else there wouldn't be much point in leaving it there. If I were you, I'd sort it out ASAP.
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How you even dare have an uninsured vehicle out on the roads is beyond me...if it gets nicked you get nowt...good luck!

I dont Drive it on the roads uninsured, never have. I drove it down a private drive, at the bottom of the road is the layby, i have to drive about 5 meters from my drive to the layby and can see both ways for at least 1/4 of a mile and live in a very rural area. I then drove it another 15 meters to my old dears house, I never went above 10 mph and didnt see another vehicle during this time. I see where your coming from - uninsured drivers are whats making the premiums so high at the mo, but I dont feel what I did was really that bad.
Im gonna phone the local plod tommorow morning to see what the crack is, its a small town here and they seem pretty cool with us most of the time provided we dont take the ****.
My point was if it gets nicked you get nothing.

mate i'll be lucky if it gets nicked, its seems impossible to get rid of! I think the last car to get nicked here was in about 1987 lol! Ive tried to add temp cover onto my insurance policy but the fella on the phone said as it was over 10 years old he couldnt do it so i would have to pay £500+ insure it.
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