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Im gonna phone the local plod tommorow morning to see what the crack is, its a small town here and they seem pretty cool with us most of the time provided we dont take the ****.
I told you what it says the law is on the back of the tax disc form and I gave you a link to the web site that explains it, if you phone plod they will say the same and might even come and nick you for it. If you want to stay within the law then either sell it tomorrow or SORN it or insure or it. If you don't mind breaking the law then the last thing to do is ring plod
what i was thinking of asking them when exactly the law comes into force, if it has already then i would immediately SORN it, what i meant was most of the plod round here would be reasonable about the fact i was unaware and had actually phoned to check and then immediaty took the right action. I would however be really ****ed off if they did do me.

When exactly does it come into force as all i can find is Early 2011.
The law mentioned is in fact a change in regulations which can be almost immediately in force. Linked to the new continuous insurance enforcement system whereby the registered keeper will get dinged automatically if the car is not SORNed and not insured - no need for ANPR, just a check against MIB - no insurance, enforcement letter goes out with an instant fine. Simples... :mad:
what i was thinking of asking them when exactly the law comes into force, if it has already then i would immediately SORN it, what i meant was most of the plod round here would be reasonable about the fact i was unaware and had actually phoned to check and then immediaty took the right action. I would however be really ****ed off if they did do me.

When exactly does it come into force as all i can find is Early 2011.

Stay insured: new penalties for vehicles without motor insurance : Directgov - Motoring

Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) Information | Bromwall

Offence is live now, and you could technically be prosecuted. Seems DVLA are giving some leaway until June though. Signed into statute in February.

As an aside, even that short trip of a few metres completes the offence. A traffic plod could (read almost certainly would) give you a £200 ticket with an endorsement of 6 points and seize your car. The seizure would be at your expense - to release the car you would have to pay recovery and storage fees. In addition, if the car wasn't claimed within 14 days it would be disposed of, again at your cost. The recovery agent could reasonably take you to a civil court to recover costs. If the 6 points took you to or over 12 (ie you already had 6 points or more), you would be reported for summons to a magistrates court, where they (if found guilty) may impose a higher fine (up to £1000 if memory serves), more points and a ban, plus costs.

Sorry to negative, but that's the way it is.
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ok, so heres my situation. I need to put it near the road to sell it so i need to get it insured. My company wont put it as a temp cover so i need to get it insured elsewhere for lets say a month at a time until it is sold. Does anyone know of any insurance companies i can try?
I feel so strongly about this ridiculous legislation, that I am taking it up with my M.P. I cannot see any point in it. If I choose to waste tax on a vehicle surely the authorities should be happy to receive it.
If my insurance was to expire on the 3rd of the month and I had to use the vehicle up to that point, I would then have to SORN it on the 4th. I then wish to perform some work on the vehicle for 2 weeks. After that (with a new insurance policy which I intended to do)I would have to re-tax it for the remaining few days of the month. I would now be paying 2 months tax for maybe just 6 days of use.

Just who or what are they trying to legislate for? I do everything I can to stay legal. It is now just getting more inconvenient and potentially more expensive. Some of us have "seasonal" motor cycle too:frusty:
I feel so strongly about this ridiculous legislation, that I am taking it up with my M.P. I cannot see any point in it. If I choose to waste tax on a vehicle surely the authorities should be happy to receive it.
If my insurance was to expire on the 3rd of the month and I had to use the vehicle up to that point, I would then have to SORN it on the 4th. I then wish to perform some work on the vehicle for 2 weeks. After that (with a new insurance policy which I intended to do)I would have to re-tax it for the remaining few days of the month. I would now be paying 2 months tax for maybe just 6 days of use.

Just who or what are they trying to legislate for? I do everything I can to stay legal. It is now just getting more inconvenient and potentially more expensive. Some of us have "seasonal" motor cycle too:frusty:

Their answer is SORN. It's intended at the various people who routinely flout the law on insurance - the criminals in their pool cars, the disqualified driver who "just nip to the shops" etc. It may be inconvenient, but if you time your work on a vehicle right you can avoid losing money. It may be inconvenient, but most laws are designed to benefit the many at the inconvenience of the few.
Their answer is SORN. It's intended at the various people who routinely flout the law on insurance - the criminals in their pool cars, the disqualified driver who "just nip to the shops" etc. It may be inconvenient, but if you time your work on a vehicle right you can avoid losing money. It may be inconvenient, but most laws are designed to benefit the many at the inconvenience of the few.

I wish that was true! I have just bought a car with 7 months tax on it. I cant use it till next week so I should sorn it. I will have to pay twice for the same month but only get a few days use. What if the duty rate goes up since the vehicle was taxed....another clobbering! The criminals dont have a vehicle registered to them so there is no come back. ANPR can detect more than just tax so no justification there. Why cant I leave a car taxed and get a short term insurance policy when I want one..........the whole thing is ridiculous. It won't make the dodgers get tax or insurance and the rest of us who fail to sorn will be criminalised because we paid our tax unnecessarily............someone explain the logic and fairness in that please.
as far as i know even if you SORN it you don'r have to cash in the tax just keep it ok you will lose the money but if you need to use it in a month no point in cashing tax in
also this is much talked about on motorhome forums as most people on tax for 6 months same with ins then park them up for winter now they have to be sorned or they get done for no tax or insurance even if it's parked in secure storage for winter another load
of EU bo--ocks same goes for car collecters etc must be sorned unless you have owned it before sorn became law as my 2a i owned for 8 years was never on the road and never sorned as the law did not exist then
i have been driving my td5 d11 for the last 6 months with no insurance as you havnt, by law, got to have it here.
i insured my 71 mini for $40, and will insure landy soon just in case.
as far as i know even if you SORN it you don'r have to cash in the tax just keep it ok you will lose the money but if you need to use it in a month no point in cashing tax in
also this is much talked about on motorhome forums as most people on tax for 6 months same with ins then park them up for winter now they have to be sorned or they get done for no tax or insurance even if it's parked in secure storage for winter another load
of EU bo--ocks same goes for car collecters etc must be sorned unless you have owned it before sorn became law as my 2a i owned for 8 years was never on the road and never sorned as the law did not exist then

I don't know if it is possible to SORN a vehicle without cashing in the tax. If that is so then it's not the end of the world. There must also, in that case, be a "back on the road notice" otherwise yet another offence will be committed. It appears they intend the tax to be removed. Here is the wording from the site......
How does this affect a vehicle used only in the summer?

If you have a vehicle that is not insured, but which is still taxed you could face a penalty. This includes motor caravans, motorbikes and classic cars – all vehicles that people sometimes leave uninsured for part of the year.

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