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It's not the spy in the cab syndrome. The technology is not what would be at fault and if used properly could be beneficial. Of course it may be that you shouldn't be playing in the woods... and you may have a point that such technology could identify rogue green laners who like to play off piste... would that be such a bad thing? Maybe... but perhaps not. Besides, I do not believe that the proposal would be for the insurance to have complete "carte blanche" access to any and all data... only that which would be relevant at the time of a collision.

Until this country gets its act together and reforms the stupidly easy driving test... insisting on a decent standard of training for new drivers then some system like this will inevitably reach sympathetic ears sooner or later.
Khaos - I see your point but , if the system only saved information an hour at a time on a rolling basis then it can't incriminate you for something you've done in the past. So unless you were doing something illegal in the hour leading upto a crash then you've nothing to worry about.

In america they have cameras that record on about a 10 second loop. I'f you crash, the camera either gets set off by the shock or you press save. That is as far as I would go but I wonder if off roading would set off the camera too and then they would use that to weasel out of a claim.

I'm not saying I speed everywhere or anything like that I just don't like the idea of being watched. I wouldn't want more than a 10 second video unless I could turn it off because I'm sure they would find a way to screw you for something you did earlier that was totally irrelevant.
In america they have cameras that record on about a 10 second loop. I'f you crash, the camera either gets set off by the shock or you press save. That is as far as I would go but I wonder if off roading would set off the camera too and then they would use that to weasel out of a claim.

I'm not saying I speed everywhere or anything like that I just don't like the idea of being watched. I wouldn't want more than a 10 second video unless I could turn it off because I'm sure they would find a way to screw you for something you did earlier that was totally irrelevant.

If your argument had merit... then you would presumably refuse to talk on the phone in case they recorded you making pervy calls?

The fact is that the data in this case, is not public information. They would be no more likely to use it to screw every one over than they are to bug your phones. How many of us have been approached by people telling us that "I know what you said last summer!"
If your argument had merit... then you would presumably refuse to talk on the phone in case they recorded you making pervy calls?

The fact is that the data in this case, is not public information. They would be no more likely to use it to screw every one over than they are to bug your phones. How many of us have been approached by people telling us that "I know what you said last summer!"

The point is, regardless of what anyone says, there will never be data capture equipment in my car with the possible exception of a tracker that only I can access.
The point is, regardless of what anyone says, there will never be data capture equipment in my car with the possible exception of a tracker that only I can access.
Nothing wrong with that! At least you can decide how much historical data to release to the authorities... strangeley enough I could give you just that:) but thats another story!
A very good idea and I would have no worries about having it in my vehicle but let's face it we will never see a drop in premiums. Personally I think it should based on distance to work out the cost.
SNIGGER GYPO INSURANCE FOR ME_as many miles as i like and as many vehicles as I like
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Failure to proved decryption or key on request =2 years in prison. If they think your a terrorist 5 years
Failure to proved decryption or key on request =2 years in prison. If they think your a terrorist 5 years

That's not the same thing. Failure to provide a decryption key is not the same as saying you can't encrypt in the first place. I've got loads of encrypted stuff, so what.

Somewhere in this thread there are some good ideas i think.
Ok listen mate... I don't pos on here unless I am sure of my position. Where do you get the idea that the laws regarding encryption have been altered during the last 18 months?

You want to say that I am wrong thats fine but tell everyone why and back it up.
It falls under anti terrorism legislation these days... it was something different previously... I know that we are not legally allowed to encrypt the data being transmitted from the vehicles unless the decryption method is openly available to the authorities. Nasty but true!
Sorry Ryder but unless you can point me to the specific law I still say rubbish.

If served with a "Section 49" notice under RIPA users of encrypted data have to either make decryption keys available or put the data in an intelligible form. The registration of encryption that was in the Electronic Communications Act 2000 was never brought in and the ability to do so expired in 2005.
The point is, regardless of what anyone says, there will never be data capture equipment in my car with the possible exception of a tracker that only I can access.

The way claims are going recently I can see Government's legislating for their fitment to curb the high levels of fraud.

Havent read all this thread, but a few facts.

You can get a tracker system fitted to new drivers cars to reduce premiums, the insurer will pay, as long as you are not out between 11pm and 7am. That still can be done no problem with plenty of insurers.

As for trackers on cars, your a bit late to be honest, they are fitted as standard on lots of models.
Range Rover Sports have had them for a few years, and the owner isnt consulted, part of the cars genetics.
There was a semi famous footballer sent to prison about 4 or 5 years ago who was convicted of death by reckless because his system showed he entered a road at a silly speed and hit head on another car at mega speed for the road, despite him saying he was doing the road legal 40 mph.
The policeman who gave a statement stated they knew as soon as he signed his statement they could prove him wrong because they had used the data from a few Sports in the same way.
Had an idea on way to work this morning, see what you think, its a double-edged plan though - some may see it as big bro watching, some may see it as a way to cheaper motoring.

Car insurance - open to fake claims, all drivers get punished with high prices, easy to not pay it and still drive, so on.

How about this - all cars are fitted with a device that has an accelerometer, tracker and speed monitor. It will be paid for by the insurance company of your choice. This will log info like a flight recorder does, relaying it to the insurance co. They will use this to see your driving style - aggressive, fast, hard braking, smooth & steady, so on and then adjust your premium based on your "risk" related to your style, the costs will be lowered to start with.

Next, in the case of a shunt, if you were not moving then you clearly cannot be at fault so no need to worry, it log which direction the shunt was from and how hard. If you hit someone then it will check how fast you were going etc and so on. If you hit the tree that jumped out in front then its obviously your fault.

This will remove the fake claims for accident compo, make people think about their driving style, reward safe drivers, punish bad drivers, premiums will massively drop due to no false claims.

Ok, so its got some faults but i know the technology exists, even an ipod knows what direction it moving in! But what you reckon?? If it means cheap insurance is that a bad idea. As all cars would be tracked, theft should drop too.

Obviously there would have to be no access to the data by irate wives, husbands and bosses etc.

all very well see where you are going, but still wont stop all those with out any insurance which also puts up premiums on those that do have insurance because it all relies on one thing and thats you applying for it!! may be if you had a chip in the car that only allowed the car to run/start/moved once insurance had been taken and keept up todate ie car wont go on road till a signal is recieved saying insurance ok all sorted, of coarse you will always have it not work in our favour cause if you went off road it would prob say you dont have insurane for this and stop but i could see it working on road going cars may be a thought??????
Havent read all this thread, but a few facts.

You can get a tracker system fitted to new drivers cars to reduce premiums, the insurer will pay, as long as you are not out between 11pm and 7am. That still can be done no problem with plenty of insurers.
that sounds a bit backwards because if you are out between 11pm and 7am is there not less risk ie less cars on road more space to move and not hit anything where as rush hour can be a high risk area lots of cars all in a rush to get some where i persanlly always find it less stressfull driving at night rather then during the day never seams to be the ****s that want the next exit cutting across you because the out side lane is moving 1/2 mph faster
As lenny has mentioned it is already here.
Every now and then we have to get the data out of vehicle control module due to police investigation in fatal crashes. Pretty much what happens is they capture around 3 mins before a fault is logged ie; airbags deployed. They can then tell if vehicle has been slowing down and most other sensors. I have heard that they have in the past used it in fraud investigation with car accidents too.

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