The funniest one was when I rang up to insure with, I think, Lancaster as their quote for new business was so much cheaper than their renewal. The phone call went much as you would expect until they asked me who my old insurer was so they could chek the NCD.
"You" I said.
"I'll have to talk to my manager."

Then he came back a little quieter and just carried on.

That'll teach the barstaff!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Yep I've done that before
My renewal cost was £450 from Swinton. Online quote from Liverpool Victoria website......just £260 Due on 12th, so Im sold on that price. And thats with 3 incidents between me and the wife.
Think yourself lucky mines £830. They tried to bump it to 1k i complained and dropped it to 800. To swap it to my new Defender got a £15 refund

My old 110 was £1200 a year but there where 3 incidents in 3 years, prior that that was £400 a year on business

Where as my GT86 was 500, bumped to 850 after my Defender claim. Went through the process and dropped it £205 🤨

The entire industry is a scam.

I always run alternatr details through, so one house over, same job, age and driving history but dont put the reg in or real name. As the more comparisons you do, the more you search, the higher the quotes become as the algorithm believes youre "desperate" same if you have the start date close to the searching date.

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