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Good Morning.

The text below is an email sent by my g/f to an insurance company that obviously I cannot name, so Ill simply refer to them as HadrianSucks so that I am not 'naming and shaming'

From: Donna **********
Sent: 29 November 2012 20:10
Subject: Policy Number PMFET1****, Reg. **** FAO Megan *****
Importance: High

Good evening Megan *****

I have just arrived home to a letter stating the above insurance policy has been cancelled because you have not received a copy of fesuvious' photocard driving licence.

On 9th November I emailed you stating that we were still awaiting a copy of this licence from the DVLA. A week later, after chasing the DVLA again, I spoke to one of your advisors confirming that, unfortunately our position with regards to the licence had not changed, and your advisor told me that this was not a problem and she would make a note on the system. It was agreed that, as soon as the licence came through we would, of course, send it straight to you.

To actually cancel the entire policy is unbelievable. A named driver is not an obligatory part of a car insurance policy, therefore surely it would have made more sense to offer me the option of taking fesuvious off the policy as a named driver? Why have I not been given this option?

Today is 29th November 2012. Your letter states my insurance was cancelled on 27th November 2012. I have, therefore, been driving my car illegally for two days with NO knowledge of such. Your letter was not sent via recorded delivery or courier which, surely considering the possible repucussions for your customer of you cancelling a policy, would be mandatory for HadrianSucks? All of your correspondence previously has been via email. Why did I not receive an email stating my policy had been cancelled? You have my telephone number. Why did I not receive a phone call? Had Royal Mail mislaid the letter I would have had absolutely no knowledge of the cancellation.

Also, the policy number to which you refer in the second line of the letter is completely different to the policy number quoted on any other of my paperwork - which i deem to be my policy number. I have no idea why.

I am absolutely baffled and can assure you I will be telling this story to anyone that will listen, along with taking it to the Insurance Ombudsman because your actions are, quite frankly, disgusting. I should not have been told on the phone that awaiting the card licence from the DVLA was fine, and I should have either been given warning that you were going to cancel my policy or offered the option of taking fesuvious off the policy as a named driver. Quite what you gain from just cancelling the entire policy over something which is easily rectifiable (as above, simply taking fesuvious off as a named driver) I do not know.

I will be ringing you tomorrow morning, however this is written confirmation of my current position, should it be required if the matter goes further.


fesuvious missus'

She recevied a text from HadrianSucks at 09:30 'confirming' the situation.
My g/f is on the phone to the financial ombudsman now.

This seems wholly unreasonable.
What do you think? The letter really was only delivered yesterday. There is no postmark on the envelope but we have kept it.

I am appalled by this. Also, DVLA are useless but that is another thread, both myself and one of my staff have been waiting nearly four weeks for photocard licenses to be returned (renewed).
Chuffing shocking that mate.

Especially cancelling without notice. I bet they charged you for the privilege aswell?
Don't worry. Dan from Adrian flux will soon be along to ask you for your details and tell you that he is 'looking into the situation' although we never actually get any sort of outcome from it. There are loads of posts on here all about the same thing
My insurance decided to cancel anonymously sent a leter out so i was driving uninsured for 3 days then hit me saying I owe them 200 pound cancelation fee! Wtf!
This sort of thing goes to show that insurance is like most other things, cheapest is not always best! Flux gave me the cheapest quote when I was looking, no chance I was going to use them or the **** poor company they recommended.
Hi Fesuvious

If this is a policy with us at Adrian Flux please feel free to PM me your reference number and I will investigate what has happened and report back my findings here for you.

With regards


Good Morning.

The text below is an email sent by my g/f to an insurance company that obviously I cannot name, so Ill simply refer to them as HadrianSucks so that I am not 'naming and shaming'

From: Donna **********
Sent: 29 November 2012 20:10
Subject: Policy Number PMFET1****, Reg. **** FAO Megan *****
Importance: High

Good evening Megan *****

I have just arrived home to a letter stating the above insurance policy has been cancelled because you have not received a copy of fesuvious' photocard driving licence.

On 9th November I emailed you stating that we were still awaiting a copy of this licence from the DVLA. A week later, after chasing the DVLA again, I spoke to one of your advisors confirming that, unfortunately our position with regards to the licence had not changed, and your advisor told me that this was not a problem and she would make a note on the system. It was agreed that, as soon as the licence came through we would, of course, send it straight to you.

To actually cancel the entire policy is unbelievable. A named driver is not an obligatory part of a car insurance policy, therefore surely it would have made more sense to offer me the option of taking fesuvious off the policy as a named driver? Why have I not been given this option?

Today is 29th November 2012. Your letter states my insurance was cancelled on 27th November 2012. I have, therefore, been driving my car illegally for two days with NO knowledge of such. Your letter was not sent via recorded delivery or courier which, surely considering the possible repucussions for your customer of you cancelling a policy, would be mandatory for HadrianSucks? All of your correspondence previously has been via email. Why did I not receive an email stating my policy had been cancelled? You have my telephone number. Why did I not receive a phone call? Had Royal Mail mislaid the letter I would have had absolutely no knowledge of the cancellation.

Also, the policy number to which you refer in the second line of the letter is completely different to the policy number quoted on any other of my paperwork - which i deem to be my policy number. I have no idea why.

I am absolutely baffled and can assure you I will be telling this story to anyone that will listen, along with taking it to the Insurance Ombudsman because your actions are, quite frankly, disgusting. I should not have been told on the phone that awaiting the card licence from the DVLA was fine, and I should have either been given warning that you were going to cancel my policy or offered the option of taking fesuvious off the policy as a named driver. Quite what you gain from just cancelling the entire policy over something which is easily rectifiable (as above, simply taking fesuvious off as a named driver) I do not know.

I will be ringing you tomorrow morning, however this is written confirmation of my current position, should it be required if the matter goes further.


fesuvious missus'

She recevied a text from HadrianSucks at 09:30 'confirming' the situation.
My g/f is on the phone to the financial ombudsman now.

This seems wholly unreasonable.
What do you think? The letter really was only delivered yesterday. There is no postmark on the envelope but we have kept it.

I am appalled by this. Also, DVLA are useless but that is another thread, both myself and one of my staff have been waiting nearly four weeks for photocard licenses to be returned (renewed).
Hi Fesuvious

If this is a policy with us at Adrian Flux please feel free to PM me your reference number and I will investigate what has happened and report back my findings here for you.

With regards


I know you is tryin to help and all that.... but you give the same response everytime someone has a problem....

dont you think its time adrian flux sorted out there incompetence and also refundin moneys which are your faults.... it aint the first time and im sure it wont be the last :(

It does show you and the company in a bad light... and you is sponserin LZ :(
Last edited:
The first and only letter for termination delivered by Royal Mail yesterday - 29th - unrecorded

and the letter received earlier today by email. The phonecall of the 16th was made by Donna to tell Adrian Flux about the license issue. It is the same type of call she had already been making because of the DVLA delay. She was assured it was no problem. If it had of been a problem then she would have requested I was removed from the policy. It isn't rocket science. I have three cars, it is hardly important that I drive hers.


There was zero need to cancel the policy. Donna feels, in her personal opinion quite simply like she has been conned, by you,, Adrian Flux

You will lose more business as a result of this being on so many forums than you have taken in sterling from Donna.

I think the forum readers can decide their own opinion based upon the facts and the correspondance. All you had to do was remove the named driver. All you needed to do was call Donna. You certainly did not email her, or at least no email was ever received as the letter suggests because there is no email to this effect on the server.

Congrats, you have taken a young woman for about four hundred quid she can ill afford to lose.

I am more than happy to post on the open forum for you. I can't however comment without having access to the file. Therefore, if you would like me to look into this further for you and post my findings please contact me with the file reference.

Many thanks


The first and only letter for termination delivered by Royal Mail yesterday - 29th - unrecorded

and the letter received earlier today by email. The phonecall of the 16th was made by Donna to tell Adrian Flux about the license issue. It is the same type of call she had already been making because of the DVLA delay. She was assured it was no problem. If it had of been a problem then she would have requested I was removed from the policy. It isn't rocket science. I have three cars, it is hardly important that I drive hers.


There was zero need to cancel the policy. Donna feels, in her personal opinion quite simply like she has been conned, by you,, Adrian Flux

You will lose more business as a result of this being on so many forums than you have taken in sterling from Donna.

I think the forum readers can decide their own opinion based upon the facts and the correspondance. All you had to do was remove the named driver. All you needed to do was call Donna. You certainly did not email her, or at least no email was ever received as the letter suggests because there is no email to this effect on the server.

Congrats, you have taken a young woman for about four hundred quid she can ill afford to lose.
Don't worry. Dan from Adrian flux will soon be along to ask you for your details and tell you that he is 'looking into the situation' although we never actually get any sort of outcome from it. There are loads of posts on here all about the same thing

Hi Fesuvious

If this is a policy with us at Adrian Flux please feel free to PM me your reference number and I will investigate what has happened and report back my findings here for you.

With regards


What makes you think anyone on here believes a word you say?

Never once have you
report back my findings here for you.

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