Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
hi everyone, seem to remember there being an insurance section on LandyZone but cant find it now :doh:

Are there any specialist insurance companies where a 22year old with a city postcode has a chance of getting a reasonable quote on a 110? i have 0 NCB as they're all in use on my daily driver, but i'd only be doing about 2k per year in it for SD+P, and as of now the quotes are a joke!!! :confused: Have tried lancaster but was V.expensive and waiting on a resposne from AdrianFlux. Any help appreciated

0 NCB = Zero No Claims Bonus, as in the only possible thing that can be used to tempt the thieiving bastard insurance companies to give me a cheaper quote.

'all in use on' = surely i don't need to explain that

'dialy driver' = a term generally used in refernce to a lesser vehicle used for daily choirs such as shopping/commuting/dropping kids off etc to save your pride and joy getting **** on/in it....

hope that helps:D
I kin know what it means!

I dont understand why if you have a 'daily drive' that you use all your no claims on, that they cant be used on a second vehicle???
ohhh, that makes sense then. You can only use your NCB on 1 vehicle apparently, so because i use it on my car it cant be used on the landy aswell, which is a pain...
ohhh, that makes sense then. You can only use your NCB on 1 vehicle apparently, so because i use it on my car it cant be used on the landy aswell, which is a pain...

Someone please tell me this is not correct...:eek:

So although you only physically can drive 1 vehicle at a time, the ins co thinks you can be in 2 places at once and are therefore a higher risk.
NCB has to be earned on each vehicle/policy, that way the insurance companys can screw even more money out of you.
Is it different over there Storm? Can we all come over to your place and insure multiple vehicles on one set of NCD then? Blimey I'm gonna book me ticket and I hope you have bacon fer brekky!
Is it different over there Storm? Can we all come over to your place and insure multiple vehicles on one set of NCD then? Blimey I'm gonna book me ticket and I hope you have bacon fer brekky!

Damn right it is...if you've got years and years of NCB as i do why does it matter if you have 2 or more one point i had a landy, a spitty, a bike and a celica...used my NCB on them all...why not? As i said i can only take one out at a time..and its still always me driving...seems stupid to me that you can be insured differently just cos you have multiple dont suddenly drive completely like a noob in your 2nd vehicle?? :confused::confused:
what happens if yu have other drivers on your policy?

All ins policys here cover you 3rd party to drive another vehicle with the owners consent so that question doesn't arise.

If i wanted someone on the policy that doesnt own their own vehicle it would cost extra...dont know how much in % as i have never met anyone without their own vehicle...
Yep a very sly way for them to scam more cash from you. Have you tried coverbox? They fit a free gps tracker so you only pay for the miles they TOT up, plus if it does get nicked they know where it is.
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Have you tried talking to your existing insurance company that covers your daily drive ? When I bought my Freelander I got some horrendous online quotes. However, my existing insurers said in view of the fact we know you and you have been with us a few years they gave me an introductory no claims of 6 years - basically they matched my no claims on the existing policy even though there was no entitlement to it with a second policy. There are also some companies who advertise that they specialise in multiple car policies. I think Liverpool Victoria is one of these but not certain. Cheers Paul
that would be handy actually as i am already with LV (very good aswell), i'm going to ring around a few companies tomorrow and see whatt i can do.

I have looked at the company that puts the box in the car, wouldnt mind doing it but unless i use the NCB they're not interested. Insurance is total pain in the arse. I'll let you all know how i get on if anyone is interested, lol
something like admiral multi car or a pikey insurance policy like mine.
Anything upto 7.5 ton, no kit cars and no cosworths or motorbikesfully comp £250 excess.
Modified £500 excess third party.

Norton trade sure part time motor trader

£640 a year
have a lorry,two v8's,ghetto cruiser and a vw on it at the moment

test drive insurance and legal protection

split indemnity mine £10,000 customers £20,000
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Most insurance companies will match a second vehicle with current NCB. I have my BMW convertible 328, Pajero, and Freelander on separate policies with Footman James, and got full NCB from the BMW transferred to the others too, so now I have three full sets of NCB. Then we have the Golf TDI which I insured with Be Wiser insurance as my missus uses it to 'learn' to drive (despite having a full Malaysian License), which they gave me a further full NCB because of the other vehicles and were the cheapest by far.. She has a year's NCB on 2 vehicles now. I also have full NCB on my combined bike policy with Carole Nash which gives me 5 bikes on one with my Ducati as the main one.

Yet despite earning all this NCB on each individual vehicle, I'm sure I'd lose the lot on all of them if I made just 1 claim.. Thankfully, I've never had an accident and I've been driving 22 years and do about 40k a year. They've got you over a barrel, and they know it. Fokkers...

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