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right the dorris was driving the Audi earlier an some daft bint ran up the back quater an made a small dent in the back end
did a right good job of the 206 :rolleyes:

as the car was hit it pushed it about 5-6 feet across the road,
i wasn't too bothered about the dent but more interested in the rear axel an suspension,
so i insisted i took it to be checked at a garage
an sure enough the rear axel is bent :doh:
so i got on the phone to the daft bint to ask her policy number an insurer an its the same ****in group as our insurance.

so my question in is she is at fault and my wife has a witness so will we get paid out properly?
or are we fecked?
If she ran into the back of you its her fault, probs putting make up on or changing a tampon

Either way going too fast to stop or not concentrating so hit you from behind so I'd say you're fine to go and claim
Should be ok. They are contracted to insure you. If you have legal cover too they can recover your losses. If the vehicle has hit yours up the chuff ( as long as you weren't reversing towards the other car or onto the road, seems pretty cut and dried!!! Her policy should pay out. Your premiums will go up as you are more likely, statistically to be involved in another accident within the next 2 or 5 years ( sorry cant remember), but it shouldn't go down as an at fault claim!!!

Having said that Insurance Companies appear to be a law unto themselves!!!
she wan't reversing but turning into the bottom of our road
she indecated in plenty of time and started to brake
the silly cow then ran into the back quater hitting the wheel
not done much visual damage but the wheel kicks in on one side (impact side) and out on the other by about half inch or so
not a prob they went into the back of you

they did not stop in time

get to docs with a soar neck £££

everyone else does
not a prob they went into the back of you

they did not stop in time

get to docs with a soar neck £££

everyone else does

But does it make it right? Making a False claim?:rolleyes:
If it is a true injury then claim it.:D
If not a true claim and you claim then you are just like a bank robber and should be charged:mad::mad:
Did I just read that write, what a joke ! can you smell bacon ?

If you're suggesting trapper is a copper I can't say I care one way or the other.

Why the **** do you think insurance premiums are going through the roof? Because every ****er and their dog is making false claims and 'because everyone else does' is the lamest, most pathetic excuse going.......what are you a sheep?!

Yes, insurance companies are thieving bastards but making false claims makes you just as immoral, money grabbing and selfish as they are.

****s like you are the reason my premium has gone up 30% this year with no points, no changes, no convictions and with an extra years no-claims bonus.

Get some ****ing integrity :mad:
Contact your insurance asap. They will take it from there but if you do not contact them within a reasonable time you are on your own. Good luck.
If you're suggesting trapper is a copper I can't say I care one way or the other.

Why the **** do you think insurance premiums are going through the roof? Because every ****er and their dog is making false claims and 'because everyone else does' is the lamest, most pathetic excuse going.......what are you a sheep?!

Yes, insurance companies are thieving bastards but making false claims makes you just as immoral, money grabbing and selfish as they are.

****s like you are the reason my premium has gone up 30% this year with no points, no changes, no convictions and with an extra years no-claims bonus.

Get some ****ing integrity :mad:

Huzzah! Wot he said!!
Did I just read that write, what a joke ! can you smell bacon ?
that smell will be frosty.
Cos everyone is doing it your paying for it so id have a clam in. SImple business sense. The moral high ground still needs th rent paying.
that smell will be frosty.
Cos everyone is doing it your paying for it so id have a clam in. SImple business sense. The moral high ground still needs th rent paying.

Business sense yes but thats the problem with business.........shareholders 1st and sod everyone else.....

I cant see the difference between making a false claim, MP's scamming expenses, dole scroungers or looters grabbing what they can.

Its true I sometimes struggle to make the rent but rather that than be a thief
If you're suggesting trapper is a copper I can't say I care one way or the other.

Why the **** do you think insurance premiums are going through the roof? Because every ****er and their dog is making false claims and 'because everyone else does' is the lamest, most pathetic excuse going.......what are you a sheep?!

Yes, insurance companies are thieving bastards but making false claims makes you just as immoral, money grabbing and selfish as they are.

****s like you are the reason my premium has gone up 30% this year with no points, no changes, no convictions and with an extra years no-claims bonus.

Get some ****ing integrity :mad:
Tell it the way it is BB,and maybe some ****s will become honest:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I work for millionaires and billionaires. One day one of these billionaire's guard dog got out of an opened gate and bit three large holes in my arm.

Someone made a mistake (it happens) by leaving the gate opened. The dog was doing what it was trained to do, attacking, so hey.

I despise leeches who look for any way to gouge money from others be it through fraud, the dole, or out right thievery. I'm glad I was faced with a chance to walk the walk on my morals and didn't think of litigation.

That's what one does with morals, hopefully.
Business sense yes but thats the problem with business.........shareholders 1st and sod everyone else.....

I cant see the difference between making a false claim, MP's scamming expenses, dole scroungers or looters grabbing what they can.

Its true I sometimes struggle to make the rent but rather that than be a thief
snooze ya loose mate. I cant see anyone being stolen from cos the insurance companies pass it on to us and have no effect on their profit pay for it, you have it.
snooze ya loose mate. I cant see anyone being stolen from cos the insurance companies pass it on to us and have no effect on their profit pay for it, you have it.

Thats exactly my point :doh: doesn't cost the insurance company so the people you are fraudulently taking money from are the folk who end up paying more for their premiums......for example.....ME :mad:

I take you have no objections to MPs claiming as much as they think they can get away with on their expenses.....?

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