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Thats exactly my point :doh: doesn't cost the insurance company so the people you are fraudulently taking money from are the folk who end up paying more for their premiums......for example.....ME :mad:

I take you have no objections to MPs claiming as much as they think they can get away with on their expenses.....?
the two are unrelated.However i can understand the mantality of taking it while you can get it.
ok then, i can understand why they did it. I think they were wrong doing it. Id make a claim on me insurance.I wouldnt consider it wrong.:D

I fail to see how you think it wrong for them and not for you......its still me and everyone else that pays for it :confused:
thats is the point, its been paid for. By me. Its mine to claim.

Its yours to claim for genuine losses and injury.....when you make a fraudulent claim (the clues in the name) you commit fraud against me and everyone else who has to pay increased premiums
Its yours to claim for genuine losses and injury.....when you make a fraudulent claim (the clues in the name) you commit fraud against me and everyone else who has to pay increased premiums
surely its the insurance companies that are the thieves for passing on the cost?
you HAVE to tall you insurance company about any crash regardless of blame.. even if no one else is involved..

you should claim for what you need. loss of earnings... courtesy car...?? dont get into fraud..
thats is the point, its been paid for. By me. Its mine to claim.
g im sorry to say m8 i cant believe you have this narrow minded outlook:eek:

i always thought you gave good advice but seriously m8 that is a real bad outlook on things,i too havent made a claim in over 9 years have a clean license but every year my premium goes up

to basically say everyone else does it so why not me is just wrong
g im sorry to say m8 i cant believe you have this narrow minded outlook:eek:

i always thought you gave good advice but seriously m8 that is a real bad outlook on things,i too havent made a claim in over 9 years have a clean license but every year my premium goes up

to basically say everyone else does it so why not me is just wrong
Ive never made a claim, tried to once after i got me stereo nicked. That would have doubled me premium, and i would have got 50% of the value of me stereo back. So i ****ed it off.Next year me premium doubled. Cos i made a claim???!?I got em to revise the quote cos i hadnt made a quote and decided they were incompetent. So i went elsewhere. However the effcient national database sed i made a claim so everyone else i approached for a quote sed my premium was affted by this non existing claim.I had no choice to go back to the incompetent mongs that ****ed me over. The insurance companys are dodgy thieving ****ers. You cant con an honest man.

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