Pricey! :oops:
I may get another Scania one they are bit cheaper now :confused: won’t have the issues the last one had to contend with either. Problem is I’m working away so delivery schedule is bit iffy
Pricey! :oops:
I may get another Scania one they are bit cheaper now :confused: won’t have the issues the last one had to contend with either. Problem is I’m working away so delivery schedule is bit iffy

It wasn't much more cannot remember where I got it now. HSS?
Can get another of mine on sale £90


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Looking at it is exactly the same battery I have with a different sticker!
But £160 + p&p :oops:

That's jumped in price. It was only £15 more than the MF31 from (Battery Megastore) when I bought it from HTS. I do recall they only delivered to a business address.
Can get another of mine on sale £90

I've got Platinum in the Jag too. Got it second-hand from the tip shortly after buying the car and still going strong. Mind you, I've just put it on charge because I haven't driven it for a month! Amazing really. I am saving a fortune on fuel but blowing it on beer as I am never driving.
Have my eye on a Hancook from B.megastore. Don’t do weekend deliveries but @£97 with 4 year warranty 105AH will do for now. Ask my neighbour if she will take the delivery for me
£97 for that?

Maaaaan, that's CHEAP. Seriously it's between 1/2 and 1/3rd of what we would pay here for a similar spec battery, and yeah..... 1/5th the price of what we would pay by the time one of those is bought there and shipped out here.
Can you not do a weekend in China and come back fully loaded?
Nope... they don't get UK sized batteries either, except by special order, as I have to do here.

The DIFFERENCE is, Chinese what can own a Range Rover or Rolls Royce or Bentley have nooooo problem with that at all.


Besides, I've ridden (almost) there a few years back and it's a HECK of a journey. Bad roads, etc. You almost need your P38 on song before you leave, which kind of defeats the purpose of going there to buy parts.
few about for sub 100 sovs but battery megastore are known to be very good quality and service so that’s my choice this time around. I reckon a P38 diesel will kill it before 4yr warranty. We will see ;)

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