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I have a series 3, ex RAF LWB. Insurance premium is £186 pa 3rd P + F+ T. I'm being done. Done a search and got quote for £105 pa for same cover.

Anyone know any better premiums than this? Old girl is 27 this year, so might qualify as a classic?

All help and hints gratefully recieved.
It'll definitely be classed as a classic by most insurers (25 y/o + )

AFAIK classic insurance only really pays of when you have a limited mileage policy with an agreed value for the vehicle - other ppl might have different views.

I pay £270 a year fully comp for a '93 200 Tdi CSW so yer definitely getting ripped at the moment for your TPFT. Cheapest I found for mine was about £150 from the Post Office.

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is it just me, or does it seem that the difference tween third party and fully comp premium is fairly small these days?

and you must get at least 3 quotes every year, the difference between companies premiums can be amazing.
Tescos where cheap for me. They take account of m/bike no-claims-discount. I don't know of any other car insurer that does that. A friend who's a insurance salesman hates Tesco coz he says they're too cheap and doing him out of business.

I've ridden m/bikes for 30yrs but only learned to drive cars last year. Tesco still gave me full ncb.

They give cashback. Might be worth a try?

I have a Q plated 1982 S3 88 ex MOD petrol and use Firebond insurance on classic and have done for many years. Costs under £100 per year fully comp with agreed value (£2300) and front bar fitted which they have no issue with. Limited to 3000 miles but i believe that can be increased although at 18 mpg, i wouldnt want to do anymore!!
bear in mind you dont get a NCB though on these policies
when i bought it in 1993, i tried loads of insurers who bulked at the "Q" plate. then it tried specialists in the LRO mag and had no problems so its worth sticking with folks that are aware of the various Lode lane products and their uses

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