injection specialist would be only place as there not sold by landy wholesalers to the retail trade,why do you need to rebuild it ?
Bought a seconhand mech pump to replace the EDC type I had. All OK but disco diffcult to start when hot. If I pour cold water over the injector pump it then goes OK! This would suggest that the HP pump head is worn and cannot produce enough pressure when hot due to increased clearances. I have a spare HP head that I can install off the old EDC pump as they appear to be the same. Was going to strip and reseal the whole pump whilst I was at it but perhaps wont bother if I cannot get a seal kit. Cant understand why though

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you would be able to get seal kit ,but through injection specialist suppliers,as pump rebuilding usually requires setting and checking on a machine
There appears to b e little by way of adjustment internally on these pumps. It all apears to be external via the full power screw, boost compensation and the setting of the timing advance etc. To change the HP head (distributer head) I only need one O ring which I should be able to get from work. Havnt time now to go to a pump specialist so the full overhaul will have to wait. Will post details once I have done the work because it may interest other forum members.

Hi, I have done the job, the trick is to mount the pump pulley end down in a B & D Workmate or vice, remove the head very slowly and carefully as bits will fall out if you don't. I would be surprised if the head is worn, are you sure it was not the solenoid valve that is above the head that was affected by the water? You can get a kit from the Bosch service centers if you speak to them nicely. I would try to arrange a calibration after the work is carried out for peace of mind, but I never managed to get mine done and it has been fine. Once the head is off rotate the pump down so it sits as it does in the car to remove the top. I recommend you replace the throttle pivot bush whilst doing all the seals and don't forget the tiny seal in the top of the body that goes to the turbo boost compensation chamber, I did forget it and had to pull off the pump to do it a few months later!

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