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LZIR Despatch Agent
Chaps / Chapetts,
My ferry car (used to drive to and from the ferry every day) is an old Pug 307 - £250 on a 52 plate.
It runs like a sack of brown stuff and I want to run a decent injector cleaner through it to see if that helps improve the situation.
In a nutshell, the thing just runs 'lumpy' and is so strangely geared, I never get out of 4th on a good day!
What injector cleaner would you suggest and where from?
I need to do the usual air / oil / fuel filter change as well.
I just get the free one from halfords you get with a bottle of oil. Usually redex diesel. Does 4 tanks but I just chuck it in with £30 of diesel but only when the car is going to do a run - always feel an improvement. Cars an '05 scenic 1.5 dci.
Only injector cleaner I've used on diesels is 2 stroke oil and vegetable oil .. roughly 2% 2T, 30% veg mixed with diesel, and run maybe three full tanks worth through. You'll usually need to replace the fuel filter, sometimes twice, 'cos it not only cleans the injectors, but the whole fuel system! Actually %ages didn't matter, I used .25 litre 2T, and 3 litre of veg to 10 litre of diesel, obviously scaled up if you want to fill the tank . ;)
Well I have just changed the air filter and this was the condition and accompanying items in the air box:

Instant improvement! Also chucked a can of Halfords Diesel Magic in and blatted the thing on the way back home.

On a side note, Halfords have some decent offers on their Advanced range - just picked up an 8 piece screwdriver set for £7
Heh, yeah, that air filter wouldn't help, and the old Italian Tune-up works wonders .. ;)
Wilkinsons had Redex at a very good price. Probably gone by now, but worth checking if you have one nearby.
Don't mean to highjack the thread but do petrol injectors benefit from cleaning? My 3.5efi has only done 54k but that's over 29 years. Covers around 2k a year, but never does short (less than 12 miles) journeys & I tend to favour branded unleaded rather than supermarket fuel.
Thanks in advance folks.
If you're using decent quality fuel and not doing short journeys then there's probably not much benefit. If in doubt, a tankful of super every now and then can help things along- it's not the octane number that's beneficial, it's the extra stuff they put into it.

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