Some times i think some of you senior members have been taken a lot of drugs, but when us young unwhity members of the forum ask a question you senior chaps whity comets unerve us,and all we want to know is what the is the best tyre black to use on are Gay landers.
Some times i think some of you senior members have been taken a lot of drugs, but when us young unwhity members of the forum ask a question you senior chaps whity comets unerve us,and all we want to know is what the is the best tyre black to use on are Gay landers.

Fekkin hell Beechy, thats the wittiest comment here!

Parade Gloss boot polish, thats what we always used on't fire engines in't old days....;)
i thoght she was a bloke in drag, ol tessa sanderson yr mean fishguts, she were english at least
Fort thats who you meant in the first place?

Whadya reckon, can I hit 500 posts tonite?

Fek this is easy, I can see how Slob's got so many....:D
Aw comeon Sirus, let us off...pleyuz?:eek:

Anyone can make a **** of emselves once ina while, I just seem to be good at it....:p

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