Well said.After a **** day u always put a smile on my face with you light hearted banter. Keep it up.

I have taken this opertuninty to edit your post so that it fits with teh approved style of posting
hope this helps
regards slob

ya ****
they aren't actually that useful, if you compare them to a cordless drill for example they are pretty useless
Ah but a cordless drill can break down at any time, where as a c-unt only goes wrong once a mounth.Also its much more unique than liver as it taists of chicken and smells of fish.:p
That is so very true, but there are a few ways to keep it quiet,and funnily enough one of them involves a meat.
I'd just like to point out that of late the amount and nature of banter has deeply upset me, and can clearly be offensive to those logging onto this forum for the first time. It is alsoclearly detracting from the useful information that is being attempted to be conveyed to those with genuine queries.

However, I should also state that I mostly talk bollocks and that anything I say should be disregarded.
:D Well the newbies is all in hiding as Slobs scared em away. So what better then a self confessed botty banging Gaylander owning Fireman:D :D :D
Ah balls, Git back on yer own forum, piggin tratter drivers...wheres Ming when I need support?


Not Spit before anyone sez it....In yer dreams Grippa...I'll wear me uniform if it does it fer ya? :p

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