
New Member
Ladies & Gents,
Bearing in mind some of the recent posts, I feel it is a suitable time to issue some advice to all junior members posting questions for the first time. If you are of a nervous disposition, easily offended, or of a flighty nature, I suggest you have a read of some of the threads already posted: this will prepare you for the sort of onslaught you are liable to cop. Rest assured, you will get some of the best advice available, but you'll also get a fair bit of stick as well. Several newbies lately seem to have taken exception to the 'normal' level of banter that goes on here, which has led to some pretty messy scenes....

Put it like this:
1) Hold yer head up, sail through the abuse, and yer advice will be there.
2) Don't try and mix it with the likes of Yella, MHM, Redhand, Wiggletuff and a few other 'faces' you'll soon get to'll come out more bruised than England just did against the Boks.
3) Avoid Slob like the plague.
4) Accept that LR made a monumental f*ck-up with the Freebie, but at least yer'll know how to moan like the rest of us.

If Abuse, derision and general p*ss taking is not yer boat, stick to crochet or buy a disco or tratter(Softies way out). It takes a hard Man or Girl to put up with the **** that comes yer way owning a FL.;)
Tell it like it is, its all good fun here.If it wasnt for slob things wouldnt be quite the same or quite so much fun (i must have had one to many last night)
Tell it like it is, its all good fun here.If it wasnt for slob things wouldnt be quite the same or quite so much fun (i must have had one to many last night)

Yer dead right Loat, shame is some of the young uns recently don't seem to see the banter that way..:(

Arseholes.....:p Can't take a joke, shouldn't have joined....:D
I see your point Cashy........
But this is a forum! not a chat room!

Many people come on here for sound advise, this is a technical forum, mainly for techie issues.

The last thing they want to hear is........... sell it! get a defender. Much of the humor is far from light hearted, sometimes personal and usually crosses the line from the outset.

Accompanied with the echoes of laughter from A.Heckler, plus full slagging match from Statler & Waldorf on the balcony.

We can all be keyboard heroes, if any banter is to happen then it should be directed to the Anything goes sub-forum

The big guns (established members) only get away with it cos this forum is'nt as heavily moderated as other forums are.

Recognise anyone below?


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The fact of the matter is that if people dont like the direction that this site goes in sometimes then they dont have to be part of it.This is still (just about ) a free country.I for one am sick and tierd of being told what is right and what is wrong all the time by the powers that be.People need to lighten up abit before they disappear up their own asses.PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER TO TURN OFF THE COMPUTOR.
I see your point Cashy........
But this is a forum! not a chat room!

Many people come on here for sound advise, this is a technical forum, mainly for techie issues.

The last thing they want to hear is........... sell it! get a defender. Much of the humor is far from light hearted, sometimes personal and usually crosses the line from the outset.

Accompanied with the echoes of laughter from A.Heckler, plus full slagging match from Statler & Waldorf on the balcony.

We can all be keyboard heroes, if any banter is to happen then it should be directed to the Anything goes sub-forum

The big guns (established members) only get away with it cos this forum is'nt as heavily moderated as other forums are.

Recognise anyone below?

To be honest LR, thats exactly why I posted the thread. I don't mind most of the banter, but the 'burn it'/ ' buy a defender' stuff is wearing a bit thin. Come on guys, come up with summat original, least Slob, MHM & Yella seem to come up with original abuse. See you point, which is why I wanted newbies to know that they have to sit with it abit. However, see this one , I fort it was a nice balance of tech & banter/abuse.
I see your point Cashy........
But this is a forum! not a chat room!

Many people come on here for sound advise, this is a technical forum, mainly for techie issues.

The last thing they want to hear is........... sell it! get a defender. Much of the humor is far from light hearted, sometimes personal and usually crosses the line from the outset.

Accompanied with the echoes of laughter from A.Heckler, plus full slagging match from Statler & Waldorf on the balcony.

We can all be keyboard heroes, if any banter is to happen then it should be directed to the Anything goes sub-forum

The big guns (established members) only get away with it cos this forum is'nt as heavily moderated as other forums are.

Recognise anyone below?

What did I do wrong to be ignored in this ???:D :D :D :D
scoz its a club - not a forum. Come on over to the smokin room.

Cashew aint alowed in there coz he keeps chuckin water over us.
why oh! why oh! why do turnips keep bringing out the old

'"other forums int like this one, you wouldn't get away with this sort of stuff on my needle work for poofs forum as we have mods and admin to control it and kick out anyone that says bum. i mean this is a technickle forum and to call someone a **** just cos they is , is a bit much. you should always start your reply with hi nigel/tom/pete/etc and end with 'hope this helps ..regards stephen" card.

FFS its coming to something when the larf police appear asking that you keep quiet cos them int allow to larf incase their faces crack or maybe the extra CO released by larfing is adding to global warming. maybe they think that by banning larfing it will off set the carbon footprint of thur gaz guzzling, child killing, road ruining 4x4's.
and another thing, Mings got space crabs
Hi Slob
It is nice to know that you are giving such considered advice to these young whipersnappers.

hope this helps ..regards stephen
Hi Slob/mhm, That Really Is A Splendid Bit Of Advice To Give To Our New Members, You Only Missed Out The Section About How If They Are Not Au Fait Then They Can Go And Masterbate Over Their Granny, I Really Hope This Helps Others, Regards, Tarquin
hi daft,
one does ones best to supply an informed answer stroke opinion whilst at the same time excercising the old giggle tubes. I have to say i do take afence at some of these stick in the muds that seem to be on here with the sole porpoise of ruining our fun. I have been a member of various forum and such like on WWW and for one reason or another have ceased to be a member.
As for new members joining is it too much to ask that they read a few freds before ruining this forum with their crys of 'FOUL' and 'Thats Not Cricket Old Boy'.
well I must dash as it time for my night cap and cigar.

hoping everything is fine in your world
regards slob

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