And make sure it hasn't melted, dirty connections cause resistance, which causes heat, which can melt stuff.

Cheers, I hadn't thought of cleaning it to be honest. Hadn't occurred to me, because "melting" was actually what I'd suspected. That said, I haven't had the plastic shroud on the column wiring for..... 2, maybe 3 years, so it would make sense that some crud would get in there.

Sofasurfer - not saying you're wrong, but I must admit, if it's a design fault I hadn't noticed it before and I've driving this old waggon for quite a while. Maybe mine was OK up until recently.

If I do end up replacing it, do I just get the PRC3785 one that seems widely available or is it a different number for the 300tdi??

Seems sensible to resurrect an old thread, rather than starting a new one.....
I have a 1994 Def 110 S/W 300tdi. The indicator switch is going. The indicators are OK, but moving from main beam to dip I get some scary 'blackouts'. If I was minded (!) I could hold the switch in between the two positions and have no headlights at all......
So, looking for a part number. *bay says PRC 3875, but only for vehicles up to 1989. That said, it looks pretty close to mine, and most of the listings are for this part... Are there significant differences, or are they interchangeable??
Mine has the 8-way black rubber multi-connector.
Try having a look . A while ago I lost head lights and on inspection the plastic surround on the contact had melted soo it could not complete the circuit . We had been driving with the lights and fog lights on for a while. I managed to clean it up and got them going but it didn't last long

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