
New Member
looking for some help with my 110 indicators please. I have been through loads of other posts on the subject but none match my problem.
I have replaced the relay and hazard switch not made any difference. symptoms are that I indicate either way then the relay clicks once and dash board trailer light lights up and stays on solid until I cancel the indicators. same also happens when I press the hazard switch on.
any help would be great thanks, jon
I had the same problem. Mine would clear if I pressed the hazzard switch,( even though it was off) and cancel the indicators. Put indicators back on and theyd work.
Nowt worse than gremlins in the electrics.

I had a load of electrical problems and they all started when I went into the fusebox. Seem the fuses/ holders were so old they had some kind of corrosion on them that meant when I put them back in they weren't making a conncetion. New fuses and some emery cloth solved my problems. Just a thought.
I had the same problem. Mine would clear if I pressed the hazzard switch,( even though it was off) and cancel the indicators. Put indicators back on and theyd work.

Same here ! And then would'nt work at all . I ended up taking the hazzzzzzard switch out cleaning all the conections on the back that had oxidised, squirt of WD40 or two and it's been fine ever since :)
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Sounds like a mysterious earth fault. It's trying to earth itself through the trailer wiring. Clean fuse connections, remake earth connection behind dash.

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