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It has been closed by the local council;
" A Pantydwr couple accused of breaching prohibition notices which prevented them from hiring their land for use with off-road vehicles are to appear in Court this month.
Thomas Steven John Breeze and his wife Elizabeth of Cwmderw, Pantydwr near Rhayader are facing charges of of contravening a prohibition imposed by Powys County Council under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The case at Llandrindod Magistrates Court was adjourned until 28th April for pre-trial review and mode of trial" - Cambrian News, 1/4/09

anyone going there is likely to be arrested and have their vehicle seized under section 59 of the Road Traffic Act.
surley someone can run a decent say and play or driveround type event with MSA cover and insurance and marshalls surley? Jai
Not really. I don't have any problem with un regulated sites I use Whaddon quite regular but it does seem to attract the more idiotic people. a accident will happen soon and that will be the end of it I'm sure. It is one of the only places left where we are not being watched or controlled or regulated by some means or other and it feels good. I guess some people have no self restraint. I had words with a idiot trying to knock over canes I was putting up for trial training for my neices well out of anyones way. He decided he would come past and knock them over so I bet him a cup of tea from the burger van that he couldn't get through a part of the site that looks **** easy. He tried and spent 4 hours begging for a tow that I may or may not have put on offer earlier. I drove up next to him stopped bunged him a quid and drove past him. Rear difflock worked a treat. Jai
I told everyone this was happening about 2 years ago! This has been on the cards for the last 3 years or so and you have been liable for prosecution if you go there for at least the last 2 years.
I have never been and never wanted to go, the place is a complete disaster area. Heard many a tale from some of my mates which made me want to go even less!!
Good riddance!
i use pay n play sites regulary all of which are run by clubs and are supposed to be enjoyed by enthusiasts who want to enjoy offroading in a safe and controlled environment..unfortunately you always get the ****es that turn up in a suzuki or a pajero or summit runnin road tyres and think its great to drive round as fast as they can getting there motor coverd in **** as soon as they can so they can go home and brag about how theve been offroading,they then want the assistance of marshalls and other members to rescue them when they get stuck,totally ruins it for members who are there to enjoy the day..unfortunately unregulated sites are just as much to blame cos they just want yr £10 or whatever they fleece you for for entrance fees and thats the end of there commitment..

but thats just my opinion
hi tig glad someone else shares this point of view,it makes me blood boil when you see theese ****ers driving rnd like feckin idiots,it totally ruins it for the genuine enthusiasts
yeah never been into the whole pay and play thing myself. prefer the scenery of greenlanes (or whats left of them!)
And of course my comp safari racing, gotta get a buzz somehow and thats much better than ragging some clapped old jap ****e mobile rould a field or 2!
i use pay n play sites regulary all of which are run by clubs and are supposed to be enjoyed by enthusiasts who want to enjoy offroading in a safe and controlled environment..unfortunately you always get the ****es that turn up in a suzuki or a pajero or summit runnin road tyres and think its great to drive round as fast as they can getting there motor coverd in **** as soon as they can so they can go home and brag about how theve been offroading,they then want the assistance of marshalls and other members to rescue them when they get stuck,totally ruins it for members who are there to enjoy the day..unfortunately unregulated sites are just as much to blame cos they just want yr £10 or whatever they fleece you for for entrance fees and thats the end of there commitment..

but thats just my opinion

Hey... easy on the Paj! I got a disco too but still enjoy getting the Paj dirty from time to time!

Seriously though... if you go to pay and play, aren't you paying for some reassurance that you can test your vehicle and find its limits, safe in the knowledge that help will be at hand if you need it? Personally I go with a group of us and try to be responsible but maybe there is another side to this argument.
yeah never been into the whole pay and play thing myself. prefer the scenery of greenlanes (or whats left of them!)
And of course my comp safari racing, gotta get a buzz somehow and thats much better than ragging some clapped old jap ****e mobile rould a field or 2!

OK Jap comments aside,:rolleyes: I have to agree that I get more enjoyment from green laning and exploring what few rights of way we have left than from out and out off roading... However, I do wonder sometimes just what my disco can do. Green lanes are not the place to find this out of course, pay and play is. It is unfortunate that there are some arseholes who will abuse sites wherever they are and eventually a great many of these will be closed to us as well which will please the RA. Also, I see as many assholes driving Land Rovers and i do any other marque at these places. don't get me wrong... We're a family of LR lovers but lets not assume that all assholes drive slittys!
wasnt saying that at all just that whenever i see people ****ing about it tends to be people who know nothing about it who have bought a paj or something cheap on the road and just rag the bollocks off it! Yes there are some stupid c**ts that drive landys too but in my experience most of them favour jap!
If you want to test your disco with the knowing that there are people around to help, the best thing to do is join a club, alrc or not the all are good for learning stuff.
I told everyone this was happening about 2 years ago! This has been on the cards for the last 3 years or so and you have been liable for prosecution if you go there for at least the last 2 years.

Yes, that's very true, I went there some years ago, and was horrified by the muppets on trail bikes who were tear-arsing around the place; popping up right in front of Landies in mid-hillclimb and things :eek: it's a wonder the death-toll wasn't any higher than it is (I understand a guy died and another was disabled for life attempting 'the widowmaker' ) Legal action was begun against the couple ages ago!

If you want a decent pay and play with terrain for all abilities of driver: Try The Ultimate Off Road Experience, it's a tad pricey, but it's run by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts.
wasnt saying that at all just that whenever i see people ****ing about it tends to be people who know nothing about it who have bought a paj or something cheap on the road and just rag the bollocks off it! Yes there are some stupid c**ts that drive landys too but in my experience most of them favour jap!
If you want to test your disco with the knowing that there are people around to help, the best thing to do is join a club, alrc or not the all are good for learning stuff.

I take your point... I have seen idiots on extreme prepped off road vehicles at Devils Pit tear arsing about at speeds that are just stupid. (AND thats just in the car park!)

Its a shame because it means I have to think twice about whether to take my boys there or stay away!
Hey... easy on the Paj! I got a disco too but still enjoy getting the Paj dirty from time to time!

Seriously though... if you go to pay and play, aren't you paying for some reassurance that you can test your vehicle and find its limits, safe in the knowledge that help will be at hand if you need it? Personally I go with a group of us and try to be responsible but maybe there is another side to this argument.
totally agree,but testing your vehicles limit NO MATTER WHAT YOU DRIVE doesnt mean you have to throw it about as fast and as reckless as you can..there was no offence ment towards paj owners but like tig said u can pick up the pajero or the suzukis as cheap as cheaps and thats why they dont give a **** about ragging them round as fast as they can

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