bala 4x4 is a site i like when visiting wales....ive never actually tried toms farm but ive heard both good/bad reports,but bala seemed ok to me
but if there were places for the idiots to go then the family orientated pay & plays and greenlanes would both benifit. i'v been toms twice and loved every minute of it, doesnt mean i acted stupid there. it was plenty big enough to avoid the idiots most of the time
Perhaps there could be a families area, you know big signs stating camping/safe area ect. A 'NO TOSSERS' sign might not work but you know what I mean.

A restricted area where it can be safe off roading. I have heard of some such places in the uk but do not know where?

Here in Spain we can use the 'rambla's' and 'campo' pretty much as we like although your insurance can be void in certain places. National parks are 'no go' areas and if you are caught you can get a serious fine.

It's the usual a few tosser's screw it for the many sensible!

OK just give me a minute to climb down of the soap box.....ok that's better.

A couple of weeks ago a me, my missus in our Disco and a friend with his SWMBO in their Landcruiser followed a couple of ramblas for more than a few hours and had a great time with him only getting stuck twice and he only broke down once (sorry I could not resist that) and we had a great day out.

No serious issues a nice lunch in an 'out of the way' restaurant and back home through some rough stuff and not a bit of grief from anyone and more importantly to anyone!

I hope the tossers don't come over here as the local gaudia civil will not suffer any of it here and will soon kick their arses!



You cant ban the T*O*S*S*E*R*S!!!:mad:


My mistake mate, I really meant the wa*kers Assuming there is no wa*kers society on the Landyzone?


Tom was not alowed to keep live stock after he was find and band in a RSPCA backed court case, a sheep was found on he's land with its own horn growing round and back in to it's eye it and others were found to have blowfly in there skin!!!!!
What a load of bollocks :mad: toms farm is a great place, you dont need marshalls to nanny you, use your own brain and think for yourself, as long as your carefull you can have a great time, i think it would be great shame if toms farm closed down i have had many fantastic weekends there :D.
always see motora on their roofs at bures, that aint getting shut.Whats wrong with toms farm compared to any other p n p?

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