forgot to mention the other day but been quoted and accepted £234 fully comp on my 90 with the engine change being disclosed :D
Just got renewal notice from Adrian Flux, £404.36 for a modified S3/hybrid:eek:,
phoned Lancaster's, quoted £209.16:)
Phoned Flux to cancel renewal, when they asked why told them been quoted 200, they said they would see what they could do, then came back with a quote of £210.14:confused:
Still canceled automatic renewal, asked em to email full details to me (as lanchester are doing) and I would let them know next week, NFU are also quoting.
Thought off phoning flux back on special LZ quote number, but it takes toolong to go through all the mods
Not sure if this is in right place please move if it is,

But i have got links with a chap called Dave Brewer,

He is part of 2gether Insurance, If you ring him on

0845 588 544

and mention Chris from West Yorks 4x4 Response, he will do a fantastic quote! Not always the cheapest but not far off, the more mods the cheaper the quote!

And club as standard

Aggred Value 99% of the time etc!

Must Be over 25 - Insurance Scheme with Adrian Flux – Tel: 0800 1217431

Adrian Flux Insurance Services are pleased to have the opportunity to serve and provide its members with competitive and bespoke policies


hahahahah what a load of bollocks , you cant even uphold the contents of a pm you sent me ............... im sure you should change your name to have a anagram with rip off bastids in the title some where !!
hahahahah what a load of bollocks , you cant even uphold the contents of a pm you sent me ............... im sure you should change your name to have a anagram with rip off bastids in the title some where !!

care to elaborate or do we all have to guess wtf yer on about?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Just getting a quote now.....

Discovery 2 V8i ES X-reg, no mods. Im 34, wifes 34 full NCB

Swiftcover £600.59
1st Central £367.39
Adrian Flux £559.06
I notice that this chap from Flux hasn't been back on yet??

Flux are a bunch of idiots.

My Discovery 300Tdi Jap RE Import is a case in point.

I asked Flux for a quote, 43 year old, full no claims, no points, "A" rated postcode, garaged at night, Owners club member, and a second vehicle that did the offroad stuff.

£1860.00 !!!! WTF???? Are you stupid??
Its because your car is an import sir!!
No its not, its made in Solihull in the west midlands!
Its a Japanese import sir!!
No, its made in the UK, shipped to Japan for the 1st 10 years of its life, then repatriated to the UK for sale.
But its left hand drive sir
No its not
It must be cos it was made in Japan!!
Japan drive on the same side of the road as us and Landrover DO NOT MAKE CARS In Japan!! Oh, you know what, feck off, you are an idiot that knows nothing about the vehicles you are insuring.

Then insured it with Performance Direct for £226.00 then this year with Lancaster for £189.00

Flux are idiots.
id never use flue they have always been cheap for me but ive had 2 mates insured with them they had there landys stolen about 18 months apart and flux wouldnt pay out for either id prefer to pay more and actually have insurance
Can I ask Adrian Flux...

What is your policy on after market security devices? I have a friend who has just contacted his insurance company to mention to them that he was fitting a tracking device into a Volvo....

They ended up telling him that it would qualify as a mod and tha his insurance premium would rise.

This particular piece of information is important to me as you can imagine and I am ooking for clarification from as many insurance comanies as I can contact.
And we wonder why people have no insurance......... Oh yes. It's because insurance companies are run by clueless pen pushing idiots! I'll be honest and tell you the modifications, response, you aren't allowed to drive off road or on green lanes! So a byway isn't a road that you have to have tax mot and insurance to drive on legally? Hmmm so I can't drive on a road? Erm! so you don't really know what you're talking about? Erm! That was customer services the last line of defence before you tell them to shove it. Still clueless!
Can I ask Adrian Flux...

What is your policy on after market security devices? I have a friend who has just contacted his insurance company to mention to them that he was fitting a tracking device into a Volvo....

They ended up telling him that it would qualify as a mod and tha his insurance premium would rise.

This particular piece of information is important to me as you can imagine and I am ooking for clarification from as many insurance comanies as I can contact.


As a company we would not class an aftermarket alarm / immobiliser / tracker as a modification. We would ask you if you have any additional security devices fitted over and above what's factory fitted and note the file accordingly and we certainly wouldn't be loading premiums for this.



As a company we would not class an aftermarket alarm / immobiliser / tracker as a modification. We would ask you if you have any additional security devices fitted over and above what's factory fitted and note the file accordingly and we certainly wouldn't be loading premiums for this.


Exploring this further... what measures would I, as a security provider, need to take in order to have my security product viewed favourably by the insurance company and for a discount in premium to be made available?

If, for example, I could demonstrate that the likelihood of theft was reduced, that the vehicle was safer following the fitting than previously, that the vehicle is more likely to be recovered in the vent that it is, indeed stolen... would this not be sufficient to earn LZ members who use the system a further discount on their premiums?
Exploring this further... what measures would I, as a security provider, need to take in order to have my security product viewed favourably by the insurance company and for a discount in premium to be made available?

If, for example, I could demonstrate that the likelihood of theft was reduced, that the vehicle was safer following the fitting than previously, that the vehicle is more likely to be recovered in the vent that it is, indeed stolen... would this not be sufficient to earn LZ members who use the system a further discount on their premiums?

I know what you are saying Fanny but it is not quite so straightforward. Thatcham divide up security systems into several constituent parts... alarm, anti theft, vehicle location all that malarky. Thatcham approvalin each category costs thousands... and even once you have it there is no guarantee that the insurance companies will look on your system with approval.

Sometimes... it is easier to get single egreement from one insurance company at a time...especiually if you are using methods that are not covered by thatcham in the first place.

BTW... I am not intending for this fred to become spam... normally I would have asked this question via PM... I simply wanted any response... whether positive or negative to be in the open forum for the sake of transparency!:D:D

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