
I thought I would post some information I managed to glean from an immobiliser fault over the week end. Like others I still have the original RF unit and suffered from spurious RF signals which caused a immobiliser fault (P1674) while parked at a friends house. The car would turn over but not start.

Tried all the usual - lock & unlock with FOB, lock & unlock with Key, EKA (which did not respond) & finally gave up for the evening.
I thought it was a sync issue with keys & BeCM, but after some deduction realised that this part of the sequence was operating. If there is a fault with the sync, normally you get the Engine Disabled signal on the display - I had no errors showing, the engine would crank but not fire.

Having left the car over night and came back with a fresh head, diagnostics (Faultmate) & a booster pack, I finally found the problem.

When I was examining the settings in the BeCM, I started to notice some settings were not correct, the car was now Police Spec, EKA was disabled (which may explain why the EKA attempt did not work), and other minor changes. Given these spurious changes, I couldn't be sure the immobilisation code was correct. I checked the settings in the Engine ECU, and found there was a different code. Once I re-set the code in the BeCM (and other misc items) the engine fired up no problem.

I thought I would post this insight as it may help others with similar problems.


Well known problem, turning over not starting no messages, usually out of sync. Usually caused by low battery volts.
Well known problem, turning over not starting no messages, usually out of sync. Usually caused by low battery volts.

:):):) well said and your correct wammy !!!!!!!
make yerself some cake :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: oh enjoy your hols !!!!!! don't be spending too much on the beach :p:p
Assume this was an early diesel? Engine EMS code not the same as the one in the BECM?

You are right, it is usually caused by RF interference. Whether this is because the battery goes so low or not or something else I don't know. Never had it since I fitted the mk3 receiver. Brian's 12V remote fob switch is a cheap workaround.
Assume this was an early diesel? Engine EMS code not the same as the one in the BECM?

You are right, it is usually caused by RF interference. Whether this is because the battery goes so low or not or something else I don't know. Never had it since I fitted the mk3 receiver. Brian's 12V remote fob switch is a cheap workaround.

Applies to all P38 diesels. Early or late. :);)
Well known problem, turning over not starting no messages, usually out of sync. Usually caused by low battery volts.


Yes...I have had this before with Diesel P38's. Good job you have the diagnostics to pick it up otherwise you would have been spending ££££s with a main stealer, if they would have found it !!!.
Entering the EKA (If it was enabled) would have made no difference, in fact it could have caused the BECM to go into Lockout/Alarmed mode.
The EKA being disabled in the BECM settings probably means that sometime in the past, the BECM has been set to U.S or Japanese spec., this can be confirmed if the Alarm function is also disabled.
If you are fortunate to have an unlocked BECM and the software, ideally Faultmate or similar, to read the settings of the BECM & engine ECU, it's straightforward enough to rectify and get up & running.
It has been stressed continuously on here that a good battery is essential on a P38, no good trying to cut corners and run one on a shoestring because sooner or later it will bite you in the a*se and wallet with a vengeance when you least expect it to :eek:
:):):) well said and your correct wammy !!!!!!!
make yerself some cake :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: oh enjoy your hols !!!!!! don't be spending too much on the beach :p:p


Hiya Mozzie...hope he's not coming down our end without some beer money :beer2::beer2::beer2::hysterically_laughi
Talk to Rick the Pick. Mine was totally screwed and the unlocked BeCM became locked. So even with a good battery, things still happen.Can you still get the last receiver, been told it's discontinued. what we could do with is the government allowing other frequency's to be opened to all this wireless crap. It's getting crowded in there. I have tried the blue wire thing, caused more grief. Finally got a job down that's been hanging around for two months, towing a trailer for someone. Swopped their motor for a jap job. Not enough to pull a rice pudding skin. Why do they do it ? buy a trailer to heavy for a legal tow. Got the A47 nearby and spot checks are happening.
Talk to Rick the Pick. Mine was totally screwed and the unlocked BeCM became locked. So even with a good battery, things still happen.Can you still get the last receiver, been told it's discontinued. what we could do with is the government allowing other frequency's to be opened to all this wireless crap. It's getting crowded in there. I have tried the blue wire thing, caused more grief. Finally got a job down that's been hanging around for two months, towing a trailer for someone. Swopped their motor for a jap job. Not enough to pull a rice pudding skin. Why do they do it ? buy a trailer to heavy for a legal tow. Got the A47 nearby and spot checks are happening.

I think to be honest that was because you have a Nanocom and don't know how to use it, then you buggered about rather than listened to good advice.
Talk to Rick the Pick. Mine was totally screwed and the unlocked BeCM became locked. So even with a good battery, things still happen.Can you still get the last receiver, been told it's discontinued. what we could do with is the government allowing other frequency's to be opened to all this wireless crap. It's getting crowded in there. I have tried the blue wire thing, caused more grief. Finally got a job down that's been hanging around for two months, towing a trailer for someone. Swopped their motor for a jap job. Not enough to pull a rice pudding skin. Why do they do it ? buy a trailer to heavy for a legal tow. Got the A47 nearby and spot checks are happening.
Lack of frequencies is not the problem with the P38 RF receiver, the problem is the poor design of the receiver that makes it unable to discriminate accurately enough between frequencies.
Talk to Rick the Pick. Mine was totally screwed and the unlocked BeCM became locked. So even with a good battery, things still happen.Can you still get the last receiver, been told it's discontinued. what we could do with is the government allowing other frequency's to be opened to all this wireless crap. It's getting crowded in there. I have tried the blue wire thing, caused more grief. Finally got a job down that's been hanging around for two months, towing a trailer for someone. Swopped their motor for a jap job. Not enough to pull a rice pudding skin. Why do they do it ? buy a trailer to heavy for a legal tow. Got the A47 nearby and spot checks are happening.

Yeah, they're hot on towing weight. My cousin got stopped because even though he was OK on unladen weight (it was unladen) if he had put a load on it it would have been over. WTF? An hour long "conversation" ensued while he tried to point out it wasn't laden and he was just picking up the trailer.

The remote switch trick by Brian seems to work very well and later RF receiver not required. I don't think it is out of production either but they're selling out fast because of all the issues. Think Brian cut the orange wire but check first as my memory is like a sieve. Something like this is what you require:

12v remote switch | eBay

Hiya Mozzie...hope he's not coming down our end without some beer money :beer2::beer2::beer2::hysterically_laughi

Hi john how you doin , not seen you about on here for ages ,, hope your all well down in the valleys ... wammers wont like it in wales he worries the sheep ????????? plus hes got long pokets so wont contribute much to the welsh economy also if theres no aldis down there tomcat wont go either !!!!!! there like an old married couple now al & tony , aw love em but they do keep popping up on here bitchin ,,, ok john speak soon .. cheers mozz ;);););)

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