
Active Member
A series owner that is. It's a series 3 88" and I'm picking it up tomorrow. Once I've got it home (Trailer from Herts) I'll get some piccies and put em up.
It has'nt got an MOT but it don't look bad and it's in the best colours I think... green with the cream roof. Can't wait to get it and I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions to ask, so thanks in advance. :):):)
Congratulations and welcome to the club old chap.

Hope you've got plenty of spare discs for your angle grinder and an industrial supply of WD40.
Yep congrats.
You can get one of these now, the ladies love it:


And if your a real hard case then maybe should should get one of these to work with:

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Well I've got it home now.... Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew! Left home at 10:30am to collect trailer, get down to Herts, spend an hour trying to find where the bloke lives and get back at 9:30pm totally fooked. Worth it though...it looks reet good. Will get piccies up in a bit. :)
Had a little bit of time yesterday so I thought I'd have a poke around. First bit I poked in front of the n/s rear spring hanger... my fingers went straight through ! I'm looking forward to days off, but I think i'm in for an eye opener when I really throw myself into it !
Is this the norm for a new Series owner?
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