
New Member
Hello all. I am Charlotte and I have just bought a Discovery 2, 2001 plate. It's very pretty. However the car is sitting very low at the back and not responding to the manual lift button despite all the correct beeps and lights coming on, there is no lifting action. Anyway I've read all the posts on the Air suspension, (very useful) but I wouldn't even know where to start to do this kind of thing myself so can someone please recommend a lovely friendly garage in Maidstone area where I am not going to get totally ripped off?? Is there such a place??
Any advice welcome.
Thanks everyone.
:pop2: :pop2:...................awaiting stampede .

:welcome2: the forum.
Hi and :welcome2: Charlotte. There is a Disco section on here with loads of really nice chaps and Chapettes whom I am sure will be able to give you advice on your suspension.
See that I was nice I didn't say give you a hand with your airbags:D I wanted to but I didn't:hysterically_laughi
Welcome to the zoo. If you can bake cake and mash a decent brew you might have a group of local helpers to sort your airbags.
Welcome to the zoo. If you can bake cake and mash a decent brew you might have a group of local helpers to sort your airbags.

I can bake!! I can Bake!!

I take it cake and tea wasn't enough of a lure to Scotland to help me with my airbags ;)

Hi Charlotte, I'm new too and my Disco has got the same problem. As well as others, but slowly getting some ideas to resolve them after much reading of the forum.

...and it's quite entertaining in places too :D
The airbags is a really simple job to do. The big cost is in the replacements bags. You may find some secondhad ones on ebay for about £60.
should you not wish to dirty your pretty little lady hands, a bit of a drive from maidstone would get you to:

Dakar Home

who I use all the time, really friendly, don't normally recommend places in case other people don't have the same experience as me, but I always make an exception for them as they are always really good.
Give the Diesel Centre in Stapenhurst a call - I think they also trade as RJ Landrovers - they are primarily sales but if you speak to one of the guys (try Charles, he sold me an LSE) they should be able to point you in the direction of a good specialist - good guys when I dealt with them
should you not wish to dirty your pretty little lady hands, a bit of a drive from maidstone would get you to:

Dakar Home

who I use all the time, really friendly, don't normally recommend places in case other people don't have the same experience as me, but I always make an exception for them as they are always really good.

i can second that Dakar are good people and reasonable prices as well (my friend used to send her 90 there when me and her dad could not be arsed to fix it), or mudsport down in bobbing near sittingbourne, hes a good fella me and a few mates used to offroad with him a few years ago
Hello all. I am Charlotte and I have just bought a Discovery 2, 2001 plate. It's very pretty. However the car is sitting very low at the back and not responding to the manual lift button despite all the correct beeps and lights coming on, there is no lifting action. Anyway I've read all the posts on the Air suspension, (very useful) but I wouldn't even know where to start to do this kind of thing myself so can someone please recommend a lovely friendly garage in Maidstone area where I am not going to get totally ripped off?? Is there such a place??
Any advice welcome.
Thanks everyone.


I can bake!! I can Bake!!

I take it cake and tea wasn't enough of a lure to Scotland to help me with my airbags ;)

Hi Charlotte, I'm new too and my Disco has got the same problem. As well as others, but slowly getting some ideas to resolve them after much reading of the forum.

...and it's quite entertaining in places too :D

You dont say where in Scotland, just sorted my Air Suspension and also have Hawkeye unlocked for the Disco II and partial to cake.

Commute between G69 and PA27 if anywhere near
Thanks for the tips everyone. I will ring Dakar in the morning and see if they can sort me out. I knew buying an 11 year old car would be a risk, I just hope I can afford to fix the old girl up because I only bought her to tow my horse- not possible with broken air suspension! So I'm currently quite depressed!! Keep smiling until I get a proper quote is my plan.....I feel another sleepless night coming.

c'est la vie.

Oh and if any mechanics do live near Maidstone, you all mentioned cake- I can only make cupcakes and more often than not they're burnt but I am a personal trainer so perhaps if you've eaten too much cake and wish to burn it off then we can come to a deal :D

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